Episode 08
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 3:33:10 am
by Jeff Probst
With only 15 people left in the game, are you beginning to worry about numbers?
Do you feel like you would rather play with Veterans, Newbies or does that label not affect your decision one way or another?
With there being so many swaps and shake ups, do the original tribes mean less and less as different combinations of people begin to meet? Or is there still a sense of loyalty to your original tribe?
Re: Episode 08
Posted: Thu Jul 26, 2018 5:43:34 am
by Gary
Numbers are always first and foremost on my mind. I like to divide my relationships in the game into three types.
1. Reliable These are people whom feed me information, discuss votes openly and comfortably, and I expect to not throw me UTB. In this group, currently are: Danni, Lydia, Ryan, Zeke,
2. Working these are folks whom I feel comfortable approaching about a vote, have worked in my best interest in the past, or have objective incentives to work with me. Brian, Chrissy, Drew, Adam, Jim, Lucy
3. Fuck no I have no allegiance here, no reason to protect or trust. Dale, Joaquin, Caryn, Hannah
So as of now, as long as I can protect group #1 at all costs, I feel okay about my advocates around the game.
I would definitely prefer a newbie to win, but in my current situation, I just cannot side with them. I happened to get the two vets over here who are not loyal to each other. One is strongly connected to my closest Ally and the other has worked well alongside me. Ryan and Chrissy are gonna be my choice vets to play with.
Original tribe lines do mean a lot to me, but neither OG newbie tribe is strong enough to take on the vets, so we are all trying to include some vets in our alliances and hope to dwindle the others along the way. Vets will always be easy targets and decoy targets. One of them is probably going to make the finals.