Hello Hello!
Thank you! It feels amazing to win both those challenges tonight, cause I absolutely did not want to go to tribal yet. It seemed like Drew was on the chopping block and I don't want him to go just yet. Hopefully now I can continue to build relationships with everyone on my tribe and work towards a tight group going into the merge.
I think it's really tough to say how things are gonna go. I know we have some decent competitors on our tribe so that always helps. Plus if Refuge was any indication of those other fools' challenge competence, I think they will need a lot of luck
But seriously we can't get too cocky, just gotta show up and perform every time. I know I will.
I think I'm still on the bottom of this Taino tribe, but not at the VERY bottom. I've been working hard to bring Zeke over on my side and he seems to be going for it. Other than him, Lucy, Will, and Adam seem to be warming up to me, so I kinda feel like I'm in a good position to move forward with this group IF I make it to the merge. I've been throwing the other tribe under the bus since I got here and keep telling fools I was on the bottom at Refuge, so hopefully they believe me. Honestly, Caryn calling me out at that last challenge all sarcastically probably helped my chances. It made it seem like yea, I really was on the bottom, and that yea, those fools really don't like me. I kinda feel like Caryn knew what she was doing too lol... She wants to stay in the game too. So I guess I gotta thank Caryn right now
Oh and my position is better, now that I have a FREAKING HIDDEN IMMUNITY IDOL. Yea babbbbyyyyy
So pumped to have another one of these things, although I'm under a lot more pressure now. Do I tell Drew about it? Do I keep it a secret forever? Do I not tell Drew until I play it on him, to make sure his reactions and behaviors are genuine to fool the other tribe members? Will I need it during the merge? There's so many thoughts going through my head, I'm gonna have to sleep on it and decide what I want to do with it tomorrow. But HELL YEA!
I obviously really like Drew and Gary. They are chill dudes and hopefully good allies. Brooke is so nice! She's very sweet and likes talking a lot about real life. It's refreshing! Zeke is the Old-Taino that I'm closest to. He seems like the perfect personality that I'd work well with, and seems to be honest with me. Lucy is hilarious. Like her a lot. Outside of those people, Will doesn't talk much so I can't get a good read on him. Seems like a funny guy though. Adam and Hannah are both "meh" for me. Like they seem like nice people, but they are so bland. Adam only talks surface level crap with me and it's kinda difficult to get him talking about anything. But we did just connect over GoT, so that's cool I guess. Hannah I'll probably never connect on deep level with. She's always talking about herself, never asks questions about me. It makes it kinda frustrating to talk to her tbh. I would not mind seeing her go.
This game seems to be turning around for me right now, and I'm super excited!