And I am back with another entry filled with nothing but great descriptions of how I felt during the whole next few days after the first ever Refuge Ritual. And this time, this one will be a huge doozy, so grab yourself a cup of coffee or anything that you like to drink while reading something, sit back and enjoy my thoughts being splattered all over this here Journal.
Now in this entry. Here will be the main topics of the day:
- The Tribe Assessment
- The Challenge
- Refuges
- And where am I now in this game
First off, let's get off on the first note of this entry which is Tribe Assessment and how I feel about everyone. I have spent a lot of time talking with everyone on this tribe and I really have taken the liberty to just really bring myself to talk a lot about what everyone is thinking right about now here.
With that said. Time to get to the people that I am stuck on the same tribe with. Starting us off is:
Adam and I have started this game on a very nice foot. We have managed to speak a lot and just really have a long and interesting conversation about this game and about how we feel about everything and just predicting on how this game could act like. And right about now, I have to say that me and him, we actually started to talk game way more earlier than anybody else on this tribe for that matter and when both me and him have actually clashed heads together. We simply both realized that the two of us seem to have a lot going for ourselves and I must admit that I really feel that me and him are absolutely fantastic together though and that's what really is awesome about him. All in all, I do think that I very much like him for that matter.
Hannah and I don't really seem to spend a lot of time talking to each other. I do want to speak to her and whenever I talk with her, we are just mostly okay and we have something going on here and there but really down the line, we just seem to be okay for the most part. If it's me that's the problem, I am absolutely willing to work this through and try to give a better chance at getting to know her but other than that, the two of us just seem to be okay for the most part.
Now when it comes to Lucy, I really do like her actually, we both seem to talk a lot with one another but though I do sometimes may miss her whenever she tries to chat with me and we both seem to pass each other by but when we do chat together. We actually have a lot going for ourselves. Personality wise, she's pretty funny, we both have a lot going for ourselves and we do have some lines with one another. I do have to say that I'd say that she is very much good with me and I am absolutely willing to give more to her at any given time.
Now Mari and I are absolutely freaking nuts together. I never throughout this entire game had never laughed before, because she simply is hilarious with me and both of us really just seem to get along absolutely well. She's absolutely funny, she likes to joke around, she simply is the person that I just really freaking adore and want as a best friend throughout this entire game. She's absolutely by far my favorite in this entire tribe.
Will and I were actually the first conversation that I have even remotely had in this game and I have to say that my impression of him still holds up very strongly till today, me and him we do vibe very well together and I really have a lot of great things to say about him. We have bonded over some things and I would have to say that he's really just an awesome person to talk with. Though he may be a bit slow when it comes to answering but other than that I absolutely have nothing against him and I see myself definitely being with him for the most part of the game.
And now let's talk about the duds of this game here because there are some.
These three, I really have nothing positive to say honestly. I do not get people who sign up for a game and then just not do anything at all. It just really feels disrespectful to the general people who have applied and haven't received a callback. I definitely just feel like it's really disrespectful to go inactive in a game and never come in. Figgy apparently made some posts but she didn't bother to either talk to us or just generally never bothered to even care to attend the Refuge Ritual (from what Brian has told me) that's just absolutely stupid if you ask me. Chris was online on the chat but yet never has even tried talking back to any of us and he hasn't been even on for the challenge aswell. And Jessica....I don't even know what to say here. Her posting in the open island chatbox is hilarious and then just posting once in our Shoutbox just feels funny if you ask me. But other than that, these guys don't really do that much and it just sucks because it wastes potential for the people who could have played in this.
Overall, if I have to give everyone on this tribe a rank. It would be as follows.
1. Mari
2. Adam
3. Will
4. Lucy
5. Hannah
The rest.
And that's about it for the tribe assessment. Let's head over to the challenge conversation.
So, I am on the very big lookout for the challenge. Absolutely stocked to just get myself into the excitement of doing the challenge. I refresh like crazy, I am pretty sure that I must have worn out my browser refresh button because I kept on spam clicking it. Once I saw that the challenge thread was up among the lines. I quickly ran to inform everyone. I then pretty much cleared out my browser tabs in order to keep myself focused on the challenge. And as soon as the challenge description was up. We all decided that we should pick out someone. Now, me and posting things would not be the biggest speed advantage. But when it comes to solving puzzles. I do pretty good. So Hannah decides that she will be the one posting the challenge images for all of us. Now, once everything has settled in, we all just get ready for them to start posting. We all wonder where in the hell is Hannah and soon after the "Go!" post was made she got the puzzles in. I immiedately started to solve this. And in that moment, stress literally has overflown my body. I have never felt this feeling in any ORG game before. I literally was like rushing as hard as I could in order to just complete it. My brain was absolutely not co-operating with me and it just simply started to work with the nerve system and was making me nervous. I was shuffling doing everything I can for the whole puzzle to even remotely be put together. And when that moment hit where I literally had it solved. It turned out that I was too late because the other tribe was few steps ahead of us. So, when we all realized that we lost. We all just simply were mad, especially me because I really pushed myself hardcore in order to absolutely complete this challenge. I was a bit mad because we lost. And so, we lost the challenge and we will be going to the tribal council this round. And that's how it all ended up the way it is now.
Now a little bit about the current Refuge members and a little bit about them.
I will skip over Figgy because she hasn't been even remotely active here. So, we will talk about only these two fine gentlemen:
Let's start with:
Jim - He was voted in by their tribe and honestly. He is a very nice guy. I have spoken with him and as it seems, he's genuinely sweet to talk with and I really do think that he is a person that could very much be the crowd pleaser for a new tribe that he'd most likely belong. Though we haven't talked that much, I do have to say, he's really sweet from what I've heard.
Brian - Brian and I have had a long chat and we both seemed to vibe really well together and although I like Jim. I do think that Brian is the better choice amongst the three of them. He's very smart and he's very talkative which is absolutely great and just like Adam, he absolutely knows what he is even remotely talking about. So, overall I really like the guy.
Now that we have got that out of the way. Time to talk about the events on the tribe.
After the challenge, everyone was talking about how they felt about the challenge. And Adam came to an idea that we should make an alliance between Me/Mari/Him/Lucy and Will. And honestly, this alliance is very fitting because the five of us are the most active ones from this whole entire group and we really seem to get along with one another and I really think that this alliance could benefit a lot of us for that matter. We all came together in a group chat which was made by Lucy and stayed as "Lucy" when it comes to the name. And we all came to a decision on who should be voted out. And it would be Chris that will be leaving this game pretty much. After the whole deliberation came to an end. We all basically went and told Hannah about all of the things that we have discussed.
All in all, this round was really an eventful one and the one that I must say was absolutely incredible to participate in. For the first round, my impressions have been nothing more than positive for the matter being. I really love the energy and the absolute flow of this game. It actually really is an amazing one for that matter. Now with us going soon to the tribal council. It will all come to an end for Chris.
I will now be ending this entry pretty soon as I have ran out of things to talk about. Now, come in next time for another batch of updates and rambles made by me.
Once again, I will see you guys next time in another entry for the round.
See ya later guys!