Hello guys and welcome to another entry in this Journal about me writing about what has exactly happened in this game and me just giving a recap of what exactly went down from my perspective. We are already week one into this game and the game has been non-stop surprising me with many upon many of things that I didn't expect and it is keeping me on my toes to say the least!
With that said, the following topics will be discussed:
- Tribal Council + The big mess after it
- Swap + Refuge Twist
- Questions by Jeff himself
So let's just jump right into it! (High five for those of you who know where the reference is from)
So, we are all sitting back and just getting ready to head out into the Tribal Council area. We all get in, we get very much comfortable and wait for everyone to start gathering around for the vote that will simply be easy and straightforward. We have placed our votes on David. And sure enough David came along and the joyride through all stages of human emotions start to unravel upon themselves. As he is not absolutely unaware to realize that he is absolutely getting voted out. The guy is just absolutely sitting there, set on his goals to survive the tribal council and just willingly not realize that he has done wrong and he shouldn't be voted out. The votes have been locked in and we all are awaiting the results. Meanwhile, while Jeff is preparing the votes. David like he does in his own way, is just being himself and absolutely acting a mess of epic proportions. Constantly spamming the tribal council, just spouting anything all at once with trying to sound active. Expected and very much predicted. He gets 6-1 and is sent to the Losers lounge to enjoy for all eternity. But little did we know that we opened up Pandora's box that was filled with nothing but craziness and just all around confusion. And here is where we segue into the second part of the first topic. David goes into the Shoutbox chat and he starts to spam the everlasting lights out of it. He literally calls for why he got voted out. He called for me and Mari. And we all sat there watching it all go down and not knowing absolutely what we should do in this moment. He called out for me and I answered him because I just felt absolutely miffed about this. And so, after Mari and I answered him. He started crying about being friends with him after the game and how he was just sad that he was voted out and just all around just messy stuff. Once he decided that his temper tantrum was done for. He went away and we all went into the Arena in order to see what was going on.
And here is where we go into the second topic of this entry. We all go into the area and we wonder what in the hell is going on. It turns out that we were all not alone in this game and that there have been returnees battling each other in order to have a shot to play in this game. And now of all things, I did absolutely not think that we'd be having returnees here. I know that some people have had speculations that they were somewhat connected because they were appearing on the contacts list. But other than that. Seeing them come back. It really has been something that I just really am worried about but I do think that I don't want to lock them off from doing anything basically because they do have good challenge skills from what I've heard from Gary and strong challenge types are always good to keep them around basically, for the challenge parts. So, I am always open to keeping them around for personal and tribe part of this game. Anyways, also another big part of this is that we have to swap now. We all pick a number basically and whoever goes into what tribe, they are there until the merge. Now, we all have picked our numbers. Good news is, I am on the majority tribe which is basically the Taino tribe. All of our old members from the OG Taino tribe are staying right where they are. Bad news is that we have lost Mari in the process and she is on the Lucayan tribe all alone. And now we have the whole weekend to have a conversation with everyone and the reason why is because we will be having a Double Tribal Council to start this game really off.
And that concludes the main portions of this entry. Time to answer some questions that have been asked by Jeff.
Jeff Probst wrote:Bit of a reset here.
What are your thoughts on the game becoming 20 players? What are your thoughts on playing with the returning veterans?
With mostly all of the inactive players gone, do you foresee the gameplay ramping up? Will the returning players elevate the way the strategy of the game is played?
Who do you think will be the immediate target on the tribe? How will your game evolve with this new stage of the game?
1. I think this question has been answered more in detail before but I do have to say that the sudden jump from 14 to 20 really changes a lot in this prospect. The game has becoe finally bigger and now there are more people to interact instead of giving us the same old, let's keep the game as it is and let that be it. And honestly, it really never came to my suspicions that they'd be coming back. As for what I think of them. I will keep that until I get to speak with everyone.
2. Absolutely, no doubt about it. The first few rounds of this game have been to clean out those people that have not been either ready or just absolutely would have became a hinderance towards us in the bigger portion of this game. And right now, this is where we have to start making it about our survival and about making the right connections that could help us get to the merge in one piece. Right now, you have to fight not only to keep yourself in this game but also to keep the people you choose to help you safe. It's all about what you make of it. And you have to start using what you have in order to make it far.
3. I would have to say that the biggest target so far would have to be Amy because she hasn't been doing that much especially since she hasn't been on for the longest of times and I haven't really heard of her. I'm not sure what exactly is happening with her but I would definitely say that if she won't be really doing anything. I think she'd become a target really fast for many people. I do tihnk that right now, it definitely gives me a lot more room to work with. Try to branch out. Make myself more out there and just overall build my game up and increase my chances of surviving in a big and vast group of people.
Anyways. These past few hours in the game have been absolutely crazy and this just will only start once we get our first Individual Immunity Challenge to see who will be the first two ones to not worry about being the ones to go. But that said, it's time for us to wrap up this entry. Next time, I will be talking about the following topics:
- Taino 2.0 Assessment
- Idol Clue
- Thoughts on how things will look like for the Tribal Council
- And any updates on situations that have been left out here.
This is it for now. See you next time for another riveting update episode with me, Zeke.
Until then, see ya later aligators