Hello boys and girls, welcome to the next episode of Survivor According to Zeke. The show where I babble on about how I felt in the game and how exactly did things happen in the Stranded series. Now, we are halfway in on this game right now, we are just breezing through the game with the speed of sound. And the fact that this game is going by so fast and there is still so many things left to handle. I am absolutely amazed at how the flow of this game, not to mention, just the speed of this game goes by. It's absolutely amazing to say the least and I can just say at the moment that it's absolutely wonderful to say the least. This game continues to bring the excitement and the thrill of being on Survivor and it just makes you feel very cared about!
Anyways, today's topics are as follow
- The Day After We Have Won
- The Immunity Challenge
- The Tribal Council
- The Next Twist
Let's start off with a little bit of a refresher as to how things are after the whole Immunity Challenge alongside the rematch has ended. We all just went our merry ways and completely went to do our own thing, come the next morning, we all start to talk to one another and of course, after the plenty of conversations we had today. We just all were taking it down a peg for the most part. But, I talked to Lucy and she had some theory about that David/Mari/Blake are not that really gone and both of them are more than likely having a possible chance to come back. Some of them, we are absolutely happy to be booted off which really was an odd thing because usually when you are voted out, you have very strong feelings and you just have to let everyone know that you did hated things and what not. However, their complete attitude was different. And it does make for an interesting theory. Not to mention, David is constantly here to remind us about tree mails which makes things absolutely more plausible. However, I do feel that this may just be all a hoax that could definitely just not mean that much. But with this game, who in the world knows basically.
Anyways, we all are awaiting for our next Immunity Challenge. We all speculate about what could it actually be, some say word search, some say unscrambling. But nope, Jeff came in and gave one of us a chance to grab the Immunity, but there was a catch. If one of us took it. The person taking the Immunity goes with their tribe to Tribal Council. Now, we all are sitting around, wondering about taking the Immunity right now. Until Drew came in nonchalantly, he just took the Immunity for himself like nothing ever happened. And with that, we all leave to Tribal Council.
Now here is where things get interesting. With Drew having the Immunity, we all have to start thinking about a target and that's absolutely difficult for everyone to decide. But then Gary came in and decided to target Will. Now, with Will being our fifth member. It was really awkward for the most of us that were part of the original Taino tribe. But there was a lot that made us vote for him. And the big thing was that he wasn't simply active. And not to mention, he has been a dud for most of the game. So, we all had to in the end, vote him out of the game.
We are now at Final 16, we are ready to just call it a day until Jeff came in and told us to once more leave to go to the Arena. And it turns out, we have another swap ready and waiting for all of us. We all thought something bigger would happen but it just turned out to be a swap that just mixed up all of our dynamics. As we all were ready to wait for another. We all were saying our goodbyes to one another. As Drew left, he said something that I didn't quite expect. He said to me that he is willing to work with me in the future. Which gives me a lot of hope that the two of us may or may not be allies in the future. And that's perfect. Overall from the our tribe. Lucy and Drew gone. And only the Taino 2.0's are still left standing with Chrissy/Jim and Lydia being the three folks that joined our tribe.
I think that it is about it for this round. Overall, once more this game brought out a twist that nobody ever thought would happen with the Individual Immunity. And with a new tribe. We are ready to start kicking things into gear.
How will things look like from now on? We absolutely have no idea.
So, that's the end of this entry. Remember to check in with me to read another bunch of thoughts made by me. I will talk to you guys next round.
See ya later aligators!