Hello boys and girls and welcome to another episode of Survivor According to Me. I am your host, Zeke Smith. Here with another batch of thoughts and general perspectives on how I see the game and how the overall game looks like right about now. This episode will have a nice amount of detailing about certain topics.
Here are the topics
- Taino Tribe 3.0 + Tribe Life
- Immunity Challenge
- Questions
After the swap, most of my day yesterday was to simply get along with everyone and just generally find out what they have in their minds. It went mostly okay, however I would definitely say that Taino 2.0 was much better really in terms of activity in conversations. Because most of the day, people weren't that active which at first, isn't that bad as you think about it. But then again, I just honestly think that the previous tribe conversation wise was much better than this one. However, I do have some first impressions of the group.
Here are some of my thoughts about the three newcomers to our tribe:
Chrissy and I have been trying really hard to actually have a conversation and we seem to have a great moment to do that at times. However, since she has a job, it's a bit hard to communicate but overall, I think we have a great thing going between ourselves. Despite her being a Vet and basically being the HBIC of the Vets that are on the Lucayan tribe. I'd really would like to be cautious about her, however. I do think that she is absolutely pretty nice.
Jim is honestly the least active person here. I have been trying really hard to get a conversation out of him. Although, he's pretty nice. He just absolutely isn't that much active and our conversations do not go anywhere at this point. It just feels like he's not giving me that much to work honestly and if people will try and target him. I will definitely put my vote down on him any time.
Lydia has been the golden star of the Lucayan tribe before the whole Veterans thing has happened. And honestly, she seems like a huge challenge beast that could help us but in the future could be someone that we would have to watch out for. However, here. She seems pretty fun. I have been enjoying my conversations with her. She's very sweet. She's an absolute sweetheart for the most part and I really find her to be endearing aswell. So, I think she's definitely one person that I would like to have in my corner.
So, in terms of person ranking. Here is how the list goes:
1. Lydia
2. Chrissy
3. Jim
But anyways, after we have all landed on the same tribe. I have spoken with Adam and he told me that Gary is someone who wants to work with the three last remaining original Taino members. Ryan also wants to be part of this group. And with the fact that both Gary and Ryan are willing to stand by us. It shows that we can definitely survive the merge against the likes of Chrissy/Lydia and Jim. And that's absolutely great because without numbers, we cannot absolutely survive here. It's gonna be our doomsday to say the least.
Anyways, time for the Immunity Challenge. We all were shocked by the fact that our resident wordsmith David Wright has not shown up to deliver our daily batch of hints for the Immunity Challenge. Which absolutely shocks me as he has been quite popular and he has been great with delivering us rhymes to make sure everyone knows what the challenge could be. And this week's challenge was a good old trivia about Turks and Caicos. We all had to decide who will be going to do the challenge basically. And basically, it was that, if you got the question right, you are safe, if you don't you will have to pick the next person to face off against someone. We managed to absolutely win this challenge and take home the bacon. It was a very great moment for all of us in this challenge. We all worked very well together to help one another. And we did absolutely everything to make sure that we all won that challenge. And so, Lucan'tyans had to go to the Tribal Council where they eliminated Brooke
Now onto the questions:
Jeff Probst wrote:The game takes another turn. How are you feeling with your new tribemates? Has your strategy changed for this portion of the game?
Do you feel like you have any control in your fate and who goes home? If not, how would you go about changing that?
1. I do feel rather okay with them. Especially with Lydia and Chrissy. However, there have been plans to separate the three of us and that's not something that I think sounds funny or is great in any way shape or form for that matter. I think the previous few strategies of trying to keep in very big contact with everyone very much and having them in my corner still stands and they both are valid for this situation nonetheless.
2. I do have definite control over my fate because I have been working hard on trying to prove myself to be a very reliable tribemember but at the same time a great ally too. If anything, I definitely have what it takes to get to the merge and I will showcase it whenever I can with my tribe.
So, that seems to be right about it for this entry and for this episode. Tune in next time for another fresh batch of news and recaps about the game. I will talk to you guys in the next episode.
See ya later aligator!