Adam I'm so sorry it went down like this.
Adam I’m sorry this really sucks
Adam Idk if theres an idol but heres a vote just in case
Ryan ♪Tell me lies, tell me sweet little lies. Oh, no, no you can't disguise (You can't disguise, no you can't disguise)♪
Ryan Bye
Ryan I'm recording my screen right now so I can jerk off to this later. xoxo Joaq
Ryan In the words of Jenna Morasca "You lied to me, you betrayed me, you screwed me, now screw you."
Ryan Remember that one girl Gremlin? Don’t throw water on that Gremlin, he will multiply.
Ryan The Idol. This is the time for it to be flushed out. I asked you if you had it and if i'm wrong I am truly sorry.
Ryan You are the biggest pussy in the history of Stranded.