By Gary
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Jeff Probst wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:09:46 pm
Gary wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:09:04 pm
Adam, its moreso your poor reads on the game than your manuevering that are losing you points IMO.
Things like Joaq said. Specific to my vote, Adam made a crucial decision to play with people who were always gonna beat him than people who truly needed his vote. Comparing his answers to Lucy's in these threads, she just almost always had better information and clearer objectives.
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By Chrissy
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I’d like clarity about my boot if possible. Lucy can chime in on this one later when it gets to her.

So were you the one who orchestrated getting me blindsided? You said that you pushed Lucy and Zeke to do it, but tbh I don’t think it would’ve been hard to push lol. Also, I’ve heard that Drew had a part in it too.

I’m just trying to get a view of what you actually did to push me getting voted out
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By Gary
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Adam wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:12:52 pm
Ryan wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:09:40 pm
Adam wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:07:15 pm

I have said all I could say at this point. Also, Zeke and I were allies and got along but I was 10x closer to Lucy than I was to Zeke. I was always targeted and I had to work my ass off to stay in this game and find a way to dodge these arrows coming at me left and right. I had no numbers and I was constantly trying to stay alive in this game. If I am playing for second place tonight then so be it, but I believe that the jury should recognize what I had to do to stay alive. I have more than explained myself in the questions and if you wanna vote for me? Great, if not then fine.
I was a number for you
I told you how I felt in your questions and I stand by that I could not trust you at that point. You flipped on me in the Hannah vote so that bridge felt burned to me.
You dont necessarily need to trust someone when you can accurately assess their position, motivation, and needs. That's what you told me on Taino, where's the action on that cliche?
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By Adam
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Drew wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:13:03 pm
Hey Adam, as I said I'm reserving my FTC shit for tonight.
Let's keep this short and sweet. I told you that the jury would look look down upon you being here with Zeke. I even told you exactly why, because you 2 have played every step of the way together.

Tell me what YOUR win condition was this season. Everyone has one at some point, some have more than one. Also, tell me when you think you may have lost it, or why you think it's still attainable.

Thanks, and good luck!
Hey Drew,

My plan before the merge was to get to the top of Taino and stay there and keep us strong. Once all the swaps happened and I lost control, the idea of winning or getting to the end seemed impossible. So for a while I took it one vote to the next and I justify that because I was constantly a target. I did lose my focus and fell for certain lies and things I really should not of. At the point where I came to you and restored our relationship is when I saw the plan to go to the end and win. I hoped that if we took out the all girls alliance and flushed the idols it would look good for me in that I was basically doomed for so much of the early merge and Caryn, Danni, Lydia, and Chrissy would be bitter toward you and Lucy for turning on them. With Zeke I hoped everyone would not feel connected with him. Thats the truth and I hope this answers your question
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By Drew
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Chrissy wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:16:53 pm
I’d like clarity about my boot if possible. Lucy can chime in on this one later when it gets to her.

So were you the one who orchestrated getting me blindsided? You said that you pushed Lucy and Zeke to do it, but tbh I don’t think it would’ve been hard to push lol. Also, I’ve heard that Drew had a part in it too.

I’m just trying to get a view of what you actually did to push me getting voted out
Second this because I was the one who came to the 3 Taino and told them of Danni's idol. I pushed the vote off Danni when Danni was who Zeke and Adam were talking about voting out for that reason.
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By Adam
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Gary wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:17:33 pm
Adam wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:12:52 pm
Ryan wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:09:40 pm

I was a number for you
I told you how I felt in your questions and I stand by that I could not trust you at that point. You flipped on me in the Hannah vote so that bridge felt burned to me.
You dont necessarily need to trust someone when you can accurately assess their position, motivation, and needs. That's what you told me on Taino, where's the action on that cliche?
the action was that I was getting mixed signals from Ryan that day and he barely spoke to me or gave me any reason to think he had my back that night. Dale and Joaquin did because they warned me that they said they would vote for me but it was Ryan they were going for.
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By Gary
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Adam wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:19:11 pm
Gary wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:17:33 pm
Adam wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:12:52 pm

I told you how I felt in your questions and I stand by that I could not trust you at that point. You flipped on me in the Hannah vote so that bridge felt burned to me.
You dont necessarily need to trust someone when you can accurately assess their position, motivation, and needs. That's what you told me on Taino, where's the action on that cliche?
the action was that I was getting mixed signals from Ryan that day and he barely spoke to me or gave me any reason to think he had my back that night. Dale and Joaquin did because they warned me that they said they would vote for me but it was Ryan they were going for.
In other words, they manipulated you into viting with them despite saying they were gonna vote for you. C'mon dude, listen to what you're saying.
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By Ryan
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Anyway, you started out a little standoffish, but quickly grew into one of my favorite people in the game. Thanks for chattin and making me *feel* like I had an ally in the game! I'm very happy I got to play with you, Adam!
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By Chrissy
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Chrissy wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:16:53 pm
I’d like clarity about my boot if possible. Lucy can chime in on this one later when it gets to her.

So were you the one who orchestrated getting me blindsided? You said that you pushed Lucy and Zeke to do it, but tbh I don’t think it would’ve been hard to push lol. Also, I’ve heard that Drew had a part in it too.

I’m just trying to get a view of what you actually did to push me getting voted out
Lucy can you elaborate on my blindside?
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By Adam
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Chrissy wrote:
Sun Aug 12, 2018 8:16:53 pm
I’d like clarity about my boot if possible. Lucy can chime in on this one later when it gets to her.

So were you the one who orchestrated getting me blindsided? You said that you pushed Lucy and Zeke to do it, but tbh I don’t think it would’ve been hard to push lol. Also, I’ve heard that Drew had a part in it too.

I’m just trying to get a view of what you actually did to push me getting voted out
We all played a part but I suggested we split the votes to flush the idol. Lucy did as well but there is truth to both of our stories and basically its what our side of the story is.

I will clarify what I personally best remember. I was trying to get Lydia in and hoped we could do a 3-2-2 situation like with Andrea in caramoan. We needed to get Lydia to do that but I knew it would be tricky because Lydia and Danni were really close. There was talk amongst just taking a risk and putting all the votes on Danni but I was dead against that because I knew Lucy was out and then we would have no numbers. Ultimately I knew that if I told Lydia we were voting Danni that if she told Danni to play her idol (as I assumed she knew she had it) then if Drew, Myself, Lucy, and Zeke voted for you then it would still work. I knew it was dirty for me to leave Lydia out of the plan and then have her biggest ally angry at her. So I came up with the idea just to tell Lydia to vote Danni and then the four of us would vote you. As I said, Lucy thought of it too and we all talked but I just remember it being a plan I insisted on. Truly thats what I remember on my side
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By Lucy
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RE: Chrissy Boot

Drew told me that Danni told him about the Hidden Immunity Idol and I told Adam and Zeke about.

And it's not like voting Chrissy off was this Huge decision... It could only have been Chrissy or Lydia...
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By Lucy
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I think a lot of Adam and Zeke's game teetered on information that they got from myself or Drew.

If you take us out of the equation I don't think they would have anything to even debate.
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By Gary
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Closing on Adam... Ultimately dude, you were right to turn on me because I was never gonna bring me to the end because I thought you might beat me. It's unfortunate for you that i'm not sure this ended up being a better route. So kudos, and I did enjoy talking to you on Taino.

Lucy, I've heard such great things about you. I wish we had gotten to know each other at some point. I hope we become friends after the game as well. No more questions from me. I appreciated you being ballsy enough to remind me how shittily I played during my questioning icon_yucky .
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By Drew
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Hi Lucy.

You have my vote tonight unless you fuck up. But we all know, I'm pretty prone to fucking up.

Tell me what your 2 biggest flaws were this season in regards to your overall gameplay. Self awareness is the most important part of winning an org. I know the answer to this question already from working very closely with you all game. I'd like to see if you have the same answers.

Good luck, and I truly enjoyed getting to play this game with you!
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By Lydia
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I don't know why I thought this was later sorry for being late. I'm reading everything now! Good luck F3 <3
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By Danni
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I appreciated that on the night I was being voted out you were straight with me. You did however, pitch me a final 4 if I had agreed to vote Lydia out at F6. Was this plan just to avoid a tie? Or were you seriously considering it?
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