By Gary
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I thought it might be interesting to have a running thread of power rankings as people come to ponderosa. Your criteria is up to you. Personally, I've chosen to rank based on who I think has the best chance to win right now. This does not reflect who I would vote for at the end. Feel free to provide rationale for some of your picks!
  1. Drew- Playing the middle very well, hordes information and is pleasant with everyone.
  2. Chrissy- Power player, not afraid to make moves, gets people on her side with a snap
  3. Joaq- "Slick", easy to trust, excellent game sense and instinct
  4. Danni- Best newbie by far. Beloved by all, will slit throats when the time comes.
  5. Caryn- For some reason, people like her (only kidding), tons of experience, heartless... which will help in the endgame.
  6. Lucy- good liar or is out of the loop a lot. Either way, likely floats to at least 7 but she's integrated enough to maneuver that endgame
  7. Adam- Not sure what to make of him but he fooled me so he might have enough chops to take the vets on.
  8. Lydia- Beloved, but hasn't shown me that killer instinct.
  9. Dale- Appears to be calling the shots but that makes him the biggest target among the vets.
  10. Ryan- Just needs to catch one or two breaks, and slip out of the spotlight. Might be victim of smear campaign or a snake. TBD
  11. Zeke-Terrible social player, worse liar.
  12. Jim- goat at BEST.
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By Brian
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I agree with most of this, but here’s what my order would be;
1. Joaquin
2. Chrissy
3. Danni
4. Drew (gets votes too often to be on top imo)
5. Caryn
6. Adam
7. Lydia
8. Lucy (I just see her as losing a lot of power I thought she once had)
9. Dale
10. Zeke
11. Ryan
12. Jim
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By Ryan
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I'm gonna be really upset if I'm right, cause that'd be boring and predictable AF, but here we go!

1.) Chrissy
2.) Lucy
3.) Danni
4.) Drew
5.) Caryn
6.) Lydia
7.) Joaq
8.) Zeke
9.) Adam
10.) Dale
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By Jim
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How the fuck was I a goat like what
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By Gary
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Jim wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 6:38:28 pm
How the fuck was I a goat like what
Not the biggest goat, but I didn't really think you had any chance to win at the time and power rankings were based on best chance to win. IMO your best case scenario due to the inactivity was zero vote finalist. That's all the rankings mean.
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By Joaquin
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At this point, in terms of chances of getting my jury vote if they make the final:

High chance:

Wait and see

Absolutely not
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By Ryan
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Joaquin wrote:
Wed Aug 01, 2018 10:12:59 pm
At this point, in terms of chances of getting my jury vote if they make the final:

High chance:

Wait and see

Absolutely not
To piggy back off of that:

High Chance

Wait and See

Absolutely Not
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By Joaquin
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You guys are underestimating the shit out of Lucy. She's in with literally fucking everyone and would be in the majority alliance deep no matter what alliances shook out.
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By Gary
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Joaquin wrote:
Thu Aug 02, 2018 1:14:27 am
You guys are underestimating the shit out of Lucy. She's in with literally fucking everyone and would be in the majority alliance deep no matter what alliances shook out.
In my defense, she wasn't in with me. But I would move her up a slot or two based on what I know now.
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By Joaquin
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With Dale out now, my rankings are pretty much exactly what they were before. Here's some rationale:

High chancers: Lucy has demonstrated to me she has an insanely high level of game, and I see her getting deep regardless. Drew is a good friend of mine and if he gets to the end through this mess it will be through great gameplay.

Wait and see: Caryn I think fucked herself by getting me and Dale out of here, she has no one to hide behind now. But if she manages to control these people despite that and get to the end I will respect. Danni it depends what she does here - if she manages to flip the game here on her alliance and get to the end with goats (adam/zeke/lydia to me) I'll begrudge this season as boring but respect the gameplay. If she sticks it out and goes to the end with Caryn/Chrissy/Lucy I'll think she's delusional about her chances. I'll also move Chrissy into this category, she's in a similar situation to Danni IMO, if she is able to take control and boot Caryn and drag goats I'd consider voting for her.

Low chance:
Adam and Zeke need no explanation to you guys. Lydia I'm just not impressed with the game, this postmerge it just seems to me she's a follower, she doesn't socialize well with people outside her alliance and she's committed a bunch of mistakes in conversation. She accidentally let out that she got an idol clue from Danni (which was "supposed to be secret"), she almost blew their vote of me by telling Dale unnecessarily to split the votes, and she would tell super transparent lies like how she didn't trust Danni. Just not impressed
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By Gary
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Joaquin wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:00:58 pm
With Dale out now, my rankings are pretty much exactly what they were before. Here's some rationale:

High chancers: Lucy has demonstrated to me she has an insanely high level of game, and I see her getting deep regardless. Drew is a good friend of mine and if he gets to the end through this mess it will be through great gameplay.

Wait and see: Caryn I think fucked herself by getting me and Dale out of here, she has no one to hide behind now. But if she manages to control these people despite that and get to the end I will respect. Danni it depends what she does here - if she manages to flip the game here on her alliance and get to the end with goats (adam/zeke/lydia to me) I'll begrudge this season as boring but respect the gameplay. If she sticks it out and goes to the end with Caryn/Chrissy/Lucy I'll think she's delusional about her chances. I'll also move Chrissy into this category, she's in a similar situation to Danni IMO, if she is able to take control and boot Caryn and drag goats I'd consider voting for her.

Low chance:
Adam and Zeke need no explanation to you guys. Lydia I'm just not impressed with the game, this postmerge it just seems to me she's a follower, she doesn't socialize well with people outside her alliance and she's committed a bunch of mistakes in conversation. She accidentally let out that she got an idol clue from Danni (which was "supposed to be secret"), she almost blew their vote of me by telling Dale unnecessarily to split the votes, and she would tell super transparent lies like how she didn't trust Danni. Just not impressed
Personally, I think if your second Danni scenario happens, she has the highest chance of those three girls. Just on pure likability, Danni laps Caryn and Chrissy. I think shes only drawing dead against Drew RN. Lucy is probably his best competition unless she keeps flipping and pisses off the future jurors.

Everyone beats Adam and Zeke. I cant envision a scenario where they deserve it over any other finalist.
Lydia showed me a lot of game sense early, but I agree it doesnt seem like she has winning in mind right now. She has her people and is gonna stick with them. But it would only take one big move to get her back on my winners list.

How do people get Idol clues after the merge? I assumed it was community clues like on tribes.
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By Gary
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I'll adopt this new ranking style based on my vote.

No problem VTW:
Drew (all around solid)
Danni (socially great, is a huge target right now so making the end is impressive enough)
Chrissy (seems in control of a lot more than we give her credit for. I dont think shes been blindsided by a vote since refuge.)

Lucy (I'll have to see what she says in FTC. I just havent personally seen anything you've seen.)
Caryn (I get annoyed by her try-hard sense of humor but I wont vote on personal stuff, it does disadvantage her in a final against group one though)
Lydia ( has to do something on her own)

Nah fam:
Adam (didnt want to work with me on Taino, fails to socialize with anyone, needlessly flipped on me)
Zeke (difficult to work with due to communication problems, follower.)
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By Ryan
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Gary wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:34:16 pm
Joaquin wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:00:58 pm
With Dale out now, my rankings are pretty much exactly what they were before. Here's some rationale:

High chancers: Lucy has demonstrated to me she has an insanely high level of game, and I see her getting deep regardless. Drew is a good friend of mine and if he gets to the end through this mess it will be through great gameplay.

Wait and see: Caryn I think fucked herself by getting me and Dale out of here, she has no one to hide behind now. But if she manages to control these people despite that and get to the end I will respect. Danni it depends what she does here - if she manages to flip the game here on her alliance and get to the end with goats (adam/zeke/lydia to me) I'll begrudge this season as boring but respect the gameplay. If she sticks it out and goes to the end with Caryn/Chrissy/Lucy I'll think she's delusional about her chances. I'll also move Chrissy into this category, she's in a similar situation to Danni IMO, if she is able to take control and boot Caryn and drag goats I'd consider voting for her.

Low chance:
Adam and Zeke need no explanation to you guys. Lydia I'm just not impressed with the game, this postmerge it just seems to me she's a follower, she doesn't socialize well with people outside her alliance and she's committed a bunch of mistakes in conversation. She accidentally let out that she got an idol clue from Danni (which was "supposed to be secret"), she almost blew their vote of me by telling Dale unnecessarily to split the votes, and she would tell super transparent lies like how she didn't trust Danni. Just not impressed
Personally, I think if your second Danni scenario happens, she has the highest chance of those three girls. Just on pure likability, Danni laps Caryn and Chrissy. I think shes only drawing dead against Drew RN. Lucy is probably his best competition unless she keeps flipping and pisses off the future jurors.

Everyone beats Adam and Zeke. I cant envision a scenario where they deserve it over any other finalist.
Lydia showed me a lot of game sense early, but I agree it doesnt seem like she has winning in mind right now. She has her people and is gonna stick with them. But it would only take one big move to get her back on my winners list.

How do people get Idol clues after the merge? I assumed it was community clues like on tribes.
I completely agree on Lydia. She's likable, comes off to me as at least somewhat competent, winning the in crowd challenge proves she knows how people are perceiving everyone. I'd vote for her over Adam and Zeke no question, but she may even get my vote over some other big players if she makes her own move and takes control of the game.
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By Chrissy
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Gary wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:46:38 pm
I'll adopt this new ranking style based on my vote.

No problem VTW:
Drew (all around solid)
Danni (socially great, is a huge target right now so making the end is impressive enough)
Chrissy (seems in control of a lot more than we give her credit for. I dont think shes been blindsided by a vote since refuge)

LMAO just saw this. Gary, the only votes I was in the majority on in my entire merge game were Joaq/Dale icon_lol
To put it bluntly I was blindsided A LOT
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By Chrissy
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Chrissy wrote:
Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:14:59 am
Gary wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:46:38 pm
I'll adopt this new ranking style based on my vote.

No problem VTW:
Drew (all around solid)
Danni (socially great, is a huge target right now so making the end is impressive enough)
Chrissy (seems in control of a lot more than we give her credit for. I dont think shes been blindsided by a vote since refuge)

LMAO just saw this. Gary, the only votes I was in the majority on in my entire merge game were Joaq/Dale icon_lol
To put it bluntly I was blindsided A LOT
Idk how I did that, but the last part of that is what I meant to say
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By Gary
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Chrissy wrote:
Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:16:30 am
Chrissy wrote:
Fri Aug 10, 2018 12:14:59 am
Gary wrote:
Fri Aug 03, 2018 2:46:38 pm
I'll adopt this new ranking style based on my vote.

No problem VTW:
Drew (all around solid)
Danni (socially great, is a huge target right now so making the end is impressive enough)
Chrissy (seems in control of a lot more than we give her credit for. I dont think shes been blindsided by a vote since refuge)

LMAO just saw this. Gary, the only votes I was in the majority on in my entire merge game were Joaq/Dale icon_lol
To put it bluntly I was blindsided A LOT
Idk how I did that, but the last part of that is what I meant to say
Pretty sure I wrote this right after Dale's boot. So at the time it was spot on. You didnt vote with majority at my boot but you knew I was getting votes. So you weren't blindsided. I thought you voted against Ryan too, but if not I'm sure you knew where most of those votes were headed. Give yourself a little more credit gurr
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