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Episode 11: Connect The Dots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 2:48:01 am
by Lucy
I have figured out exactly what happened at Tribal Council and it has flipped the script on what my thoughts are going forward.

The Vote for Drew was Jim. I know this because he was the only person that wasn't around to revote or change his vote and there was a second Drew vote that didn't count when the votes were reread. Why on earth did Jim vote for Drew? I don't know, but thank God he did. It would have been really bad if he stuck to his plan and voted for Adam or Zeke like he was harping on about right before he left.

The Vote for Jim was Caryn. This is partially my bad and partially Caryn trying to skirt responsibility. I tried to get people at the last minute to change there votes to Jim, including Gary, and pride wouldn't allow anyone to concede. Bet you wish you took me up on that offer now, right Gary?

The Vote for Dale was Lydia. This was the biggest mystery of them all. Lydia messaged me right before votes were due and asked me what to do. I told her it was between Adam and Dale because I was afraid she might be in with Gary and Ryan. Not only was she not with them, Lydia ended up being the most pivotal reason why Adam survived that vote. I'll get to that shortly.

The Five Votes for Adam were from Danni, Gary, Ryan, Chrissy, and Drew. Yes, you heard me right, Drew. As soon as we can chat Drew just nonchalantly messages me that he voted for Adam. He feared that Ryan might play the idol and he cast a vote for Adam to help protect Dale. I'm sorry, but what? Drew just showed me that he's unreliable and a super loose cannon. Drew played it up like it was this genius move because he can now anticipate what the other side is going to do and we can prevent the attack from Ryan's idol accordingly. Drew has lost touch with reality, but sure. I will play make believe if that's what I got to do. I seriously don't know what to do about Drew. He is playing this game too Rogue for my liking.

The Five Votes for Gary were Adam, Zeke, Joaquin, Dale, and Myself. No Surprises here. I just can't say enough how clutch it was for me to reconnect with my Taino tribemates. I was able to steer them in the right direction and it makes them trust me even more.

In the revote... the two people who changed there vote to Gary were obviously Caryn and Lydia.

I didn't know that Lydia had any kind of relationship with Adam, but apparently that's one card that Adam has kept in his front pocket and has not shared with me. I was impressed, but also kind of gobsmacked. I thought Adam was a butt fuck away from prolapse. Lydia really saved the day. Am I going to reward her for it, No. Lydia plays no role in my game what so ever. I would boot her if I could, but I will have to wait I suppose.

Re: Episode 11: Connect The Dots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:01:13 am
by Lucy
The Fallout from Tribal Council was immediate. Their are a lot of hurt egos. Chrissy and Danni specifically.

Chrissy is going around bitching to everyone about being left out and how she felt betrayed and how she's hearing that she was in talks to get votes in the event of an Idol rebound. What crack rock has she been smoking? I haven't heard Chrissy's name come up as a target prior to her little temper tantrums. I try to explain to the best of my ability why I voted Gary. Gary voted Hannah after promising his loyalty to Adam and Zeke. Gary has shown that his word means nothing. Chrissy retorts with how she is only around because of Gary to which I say I understand completely why she voted Adam and how I would have too in her shoes. I really wanted to tell her to sit her ass down and shut up. You aren't going anywhere. Stop acting like you have been slated next to go because it's very unlikely that that will happen.

Danni came to me and first thanked me for voting Jim and being honest. I immediately told her that I voted for Gary due to paranoia and that I'm sorry I didn't get the chance to tell her. I tried to push for Jim and I didn't think it would get much traction. Danni again thanks me for being direct with her. I explain to Danni that she was left out more than likely because of the drama that played out yesterday with Ryan claiming she told him that Dale was targeting him. I told her that she was perceived to be very close to Gary. With Gary out of the picture she has nothing to worry about and I was sincere about it. I think Danni is starting to pick up on how plugged in I am. I'm not as stupid and as uninformed as she may once have believed. I also think me being up front on my reasons and not trying to lie/hide how I voted has paid off greatly.

A similar situation arose the night before Tribal with Ryan. I went to Ryan and came clean about how I voted for him over Adam and that I don't want him to think that I was trying to target him for malicious reasons and Ryan said that he appreciated my directness because so many people have lied to him about how they voted.

I still need to stay on these peoples good sides. Ryan especially. Knowing Ryan has the idol and not being able to tell anyone directly is a scary thing. I have to pretend like I don't know what's going on with the idols because if it leaks it will get pinned on me.

This next vote is important because I think we are going to see the first idol of the season materialize. No one seems to have learned anything from Gary not playing the idol... because Ryan is still whom everyone wants to boot. SURE. THAT'S SUPER SMART. Why is no one thinking clearly?

Adam just suggested we try and make Ryan think he is leaving and use this opportunity to blindside Chrissy. I wouldn't mind this, but there are definitely some problems with this plan. 1. Adam trying to gain control after being so close to being voted off isn't smart. Adam needs to lay low and let others throw some names out. 2. Caryn is super close to Chrissy. Caryn came to me tonight with a plan, a future alliance we are calling BLUE WAFFLE. All of the 5 girls teaming up and putting the plan THE CHODE MASSACRE into production. Caryn wants to wait to put this plan into action after we knock off a few more guys and also limit the other girls options. 3. Chrissy may have been pissy, but the vets still have feelings for her. Dale seemed almost morose and in a very somber mood about her being upset with him.

I really don't think the plan to vote Chrissy will pan out.

I just need to figure out how I can get that idol played without getting any napalm on myself when it blows sky high.

Re: Episode 11: Connect The Dots

Posted: Mon Jul 30, 2018 3:19:22 am
by Lucy

As always, I will rank from my favorite/most trusted ally down to the player I like and trust the least.

1. Caryn
2. Dale
3. Adam
4. Joaquin
5. Zeke
6. Danni
7. Drew
8. Ryan
9. Chrissy
10. Lydia
11. Jim

Caryn is my favorite player and she proved to me with her rogue vote for Jim that she puts stock into what I tell her. I have made the mistake of letting what I think someone has to offer me going forward ahead of sheer loyalty and I am starting to get the impression that Caryn really would let me get to the top five and would stay loyal if we locked down some kind of deal.

Dale and I share a lot of information. The other night I broke down and had a very personal one on one conversation about some of my real life insecurities and how it's making my life worse. I just feel like Dale trusts me finally. I think at first he was skeptical of why I would want to work with the vets, but I think he's finally realizing I do trust and like him very much. Dale shared with me tonight how he feels like he is wasting his time and that no one has offered him a final three deal and he's getting a lot of unnecessary flack because of Ryan trying to paint him as the leader of the Vets side of the game. I can tell Dale has insecurities about his previous loss. Dale lost 5-2-0 in his previous season and it seems to really get to him. Dale is very introspective and maybe that's why I like and share so much with him.

Adam has been near death's door twice now. Adam has so many votes cast against him that he has Phillip Shepard shook. Adam has always been my favorite Taino, our similarities are endless, but since the merge a lot of our conversations are less personal and always so game-centric. It gets a little boring. Adam is also becoming a huge threat to me. Adam already is 2/2 in the Jury. The jury loves him. Adam can justify his moves based on others targeting him. There is no way I could go to the end with Adam and have any real shot of winning the game.

Joaquin really upset me the other day, but he slightly redeemed himself. I think Joaquin realized that I am right and just like Dale, I think it's finally clicked to him that I have his back and his best interest at heart. Joaquin said earlier 'What do I do to deserve you Lucy?'. I practically creamed my shorts. I think Joaquin sees that I am a bigger threat than he once thought. I offer a lot of goodies on my tool belt and he is going to try to use me to utilize them all.

Zeke actually has been much more fun to talk too lately, but his newness and over-zealousness makes him make so many unnecessary mistakes. I hate to yell at him or talk down to him like an angry parent, but I get done telling him not to tell Caryn about the plan to boot Gary yet, just to be safe, and he runs and tells her... D'Oh. I do think Zeke really does have my back, especially after how these last two votes have gone. I have been Adam and Zeke's saving grace.

Danni is a jabber jaw and has a hard time keeping things too herself. Danni ended up lying to me about the whole Ryan situation. According to Dale, Danni lied, and ran to Ryan after all. I like Danni on a personal note, but she's a little transparent. I think she is the closest person to being on to me having so many hands in various cookie jars. I think she will try and expose me eventually, but for now she wants to be my friend, braid my hair, and tickle my twat.

Drew is an enigma. I don't get what he's doing. I'm not sure who or what he's really loyal too. I want to trust him, but I really don't anymore. Drew voting for Adam the first time, sure, OK, I can maybe get the logic... The second time? No. Drew could have left quite a few of us high and dry. Drew thinks that having idol access is essential. Drew thinks that he can play both sides and help us knock out Ryan's forces. How are we sure he won't do the opposite? If some how Ryan plays his idol correctly there will be only one person who could have told him. I hope I'm wrong. Drew has shown me nuggets of loyalty, but I want all the fries bitch.

Chrissy is friendly, but she never talks game with me and didn't at all during Tribal. I clearly mean nothing to her.

Lydia didn't respond to me all weekend and then tried to ask me what was happening at Tribal. It's like girl... we ain't that close. I love ya, but I'm not in love with you boo. Lets actually talk a little more before we hit the strategy chit chat.

Jim needs to be removed. Get out of here. A Fucking Cruise?

Re: Episode 11: Connect The Dots

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:01:27 am
by Lucy
Welp I hope that Jim really is enjoying that cruise he's on because it's setting sail to the island of lost Jury members.

Jim has been eliminated and rightfully so. We all knew the length of this game and he shouldn't have even joined in the first place. Jim got a free ride due to being a joke and perceived easy beat. I will say that he actually did prove he was a little more active than most of us thought. Especially in the beginning he had no personality or gumption.

Anyway, Peace Out Jim! Happy I can say I wrote your name down before you left. LOL!

So now that we can RIP JIM let's put this next immunity challenge to rest. A game of numbers, dumb luck, but also some inner personal relationships, followed by a hint of logic. I had a spreadsheet open with numbers for everyone. As a player was eliminated I removed there numbers from each player. As a number was guessed for anyone specific I also obviously removed it from my sheet. I was doing pretty well at first. I managed to knock Zeke right out of the competition in one guess applied towards him. SORRY ZEKE. I really felt bad. I just figured he would take it the least personally and that I could argue that I was doing it to hide the Taino threesome that I am apart of. I ended up getting fucked by Danni. Danni threw an 8 on my ass and I was done... but not only was she murdering me, the bitch went on a massacre right to the fucking immunity idol. Danni killing me allowed her to use logic to solve the rest of the puzzle and eliminate everyone. I watched her slay slay slay all the way to the end.

Danni wins Immunity... and now we can get to the route of Tribal.

Ryan is person non grata at this point. Adam is going to be receiving a few votes just in case he produces an idol... I cringe thinking that Adam might leave but if he does that is one less person I have to stab in the back so I am really hoping Adam goes =/. I just hate the idea of hurting people and he is on the list of people I will have to stab pretty hard down the line.

With ten minutes to spare before Tribal Council stops all chats... Ryan comes to me. Ryan pleads for me to vote for Adam. Ryan begs. I have always been pretty direct with Ryan so I tell him that everyone thinks he has the Taino Idol and that he is going to pay the price for it. Ryan tells me he does not have the idol... and I respond with 'I think you do and I wish you would just tell me if you did'...

Tribal Council was a smackdown on Ryan and I was really disinterested. Hell I didn't even make an appearance at Tribal Council. I saw HIDDEN IDOL CLUE #1 and my ass was off to the races trying to break into that fucking forum until results were up. I clearly, again, didn't have luck, and I want to crawl into a hole and die of shame.

Tribal Council ends with no Idol Play.

I am furious. I really am. I will save my angry fit and some of the drama that happened into next rounds episode. Ryan not producing an idol has me questioning my own sanity. I think I shot daggers out of my eyes straight at Drew when the idol was not produced. I really was fuming.

Can you hear that tea kettle whistling? Lucy's about to fucking pop.

Re: Episode 11: Connect The Dots

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2018 5:17:06 am
by Lucy
-Sorry I didn't answer these sooner. So I will back track a little here and go all retrospective.-
Another tie vote. Are you concerned that a vast majority of votes were for newbies?

Honestly. No. I think I know where the strength is and where it's not. The vets are just like the Wizard of Oz. It's all smoke and mirrors. It's not all of them. Ryan is definitely not in the thick of things with the vets. Chrissy was a primadonna after being left of the last vote for no reason- sure that could have been faked, but I doubt it. It seemed really genuine. Caryn is so sick of the boys that she's ready to form the Spice Girls alliance that I have been waiting for since Taino. I think Joaquin is close with Dale. Drew keeps going rogue and may have loose, very loose ties to Dale and Joaquin. I honestly think that I have better and stronger allegiances with most of the vets then the vets do to each other. I am super close with Dale, Joaquin, and Caryn. I have a 'final two' alliance with Drew that I don't feel is real, but I'm waiting for him to slip up.
We're now entering the final 12 with only 5 active newbies and 6 active vets. Do you think the vets will all stick together until the end of the game?
Damn, way to filet Jim. LOL! Jim sorry but you don't fall into the active catergory. Jim was given an ultimatum and was ultimately removed from the game, but still, Ouch. Would you like some sun screen to go on that burn Jim or will your leathery skin be all right?

No I don't think all of the vets will stick together. The vets are a super disorganized front. I don't think it will work out for them in the end. The veneers are cracking. The Jig is up. All this proposed bullshit about them being this super force is a pile of crap. Gary and Ryan both just never realized what has really been going on.
Do you know what happened tonight or do you feel out of control with the game?
At first I was not sure what happened. I voted Gary and that's the plan I put into action. I brought in the Taino Boys and made it possible. Do I think I am in control of the game? No. Do I think I insert a lot of influence? Yes. The People I vote for leave. Every person that has been eliminated has recieved a vote from me... minus Jessica who was removed... and Brian who was idoled. Hell even Jim got my vote at the first part of the merge TC :).

Ryan and Gary were both plans that I was involved with, but I'm not getting credit for it. IT'S THE VETS ;). That's what these fools think and that's alright with me. Once I'm figured out I am going to have to start going on an immunity run and I would loooooove to prolong that for as long as possible.
What can you do from this point forward to take control of your fate in the game?
I already do take control of my fate. I have great relationships with 9/11 of the people in the game. I have just started to get to know Chrissy and Lydia, but they both came running to see how I was voting so we are in the early stages of making bonds. I will keep trying to get to know everyone and make them want to work with me. Fingers crossed.
Are there moves to be made? Which vets seem to have the most tension among them?
It seems like Ryan has the most hostility towards the vets. Ryan has it out for Caryn, Dale, and Joaquin. Ryan doesn't realize that he is forcing them to work together when they don't really want to. If Ryan had walked into the merge and kept his mouth shut he might have been able to do damage control. Ryan walked into this merge hootin and hollering and now he has to live with that.
Which newbies seem most closely aligned with them?Which vets are you most closely aligned with? Can you exploit their history?

Me. Lucy.

I have a working relationship with four vets. Caryn, Joaquin, Dale, and Ryan. Ryan and I may not be aligned, but I'm always nice to him and direct and have not lied to him, ironically, you would think I would, but I haven't. Screw exploiting the history. I am feeding them information and making them trust me. I'm fully convinced that they know I am with them 100%. The vets were prioritizing me after Brooke when I first got to their tribe when we switched. (Caryn, Joaquin, Dale, and Drew). They all liked me and were willing to vote Brian's ass out just to keep me in the game. I know about Joaquin's idol. Dale and I have heart to hearts and give each other advice and I am constantly proving to him that I have his back. Drew is kind of slipping away from me, but oh well.