-- 8th Place -- Voted Out 4-2-1-1
By Sarah Jones
Congratulations on making it to the top 8! How are you feeling now that we're getting closer and closer to the top 3? What are you going to do to push yourself to the finish line?

Tonight's challenge involved matching contestants to statements. How do you feel about the outcomes? Do you think they are reliable to how people actually feel?

Who do you think is the next to go and how are you going to make sure it's not you?
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By Jeff Probst
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So let's do this... I like doing this right after the quiz challenge because it allows you to see what the end-game might look like.

Rank the players in the game from Most threatening to win down to Least. Include yourself.

Where do you fall in this ranking? if you are towards the bottom, how can you improve your optics for the jury in order to have a shot at winning the game? If you are towards the top, what can you do to convince the others to stay over less-threatening players?

Are you a goat? Are you fighting with the others over sitting in the final 3 with the goats?
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By Caryn
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1. Caryn - No, this is not arrogance. I think it’s pretty clear at this point that I’m the biggest threat to win. I tried my best to play a very UTR strategic game but I pretty much threw that out the window with being the main architect of the all-girls alliance which caused the Joaq blindside & Dale vote off. Now my threat level has been exposed, and although I think I’ll be safe for this round, once this round is over I know there will be people plotting against me.

2. Lucy - I don’t think most people here see Lucy as a big of a threat to win as I do. And that’s probably cause I’ve managed to get close with her in this game, so I know just how good she is. She’s essentially playing the game that I wanted to play. Very UTR but still strategic, extremely social, literally everybody likes her and trusts her, and she’s on nobody’s radar right now. And that’s impressive, especially in the F8.

3. Danni - I think the fact that Danni is a very outspoken & colorful player has helped her game a lot, because despite what people may think, she’s not all that savvy. Like, she would not be here right now if it weren’t for me. And in the previous round she kinda exposed her lack of game savvy when she changed her vote last minute due to getting scared by Dale’s idol bluff. She’s still probably one of the more bigger threats here, but I don’t think she’s as good as some people on the jury think.

4. Chrissy - If I can describe Chrissy’s game in one word: desperation. I think she desperately wants to be one of the best players here, and honestly she’s probably convinced herself that she is. But..... nah lol. She let herself get played by Dale & Joaq one too many times, and socially she’s not very adept as well due to being a cunt to all the people she’s not aligned with. The only reason she’s this high is because the people below her are even worse.

5. Zeke - This guy is the embodiment of a faux-mastermind. I was simultaneously surprised & not surprised that he tied with me for most strategic. Because even though he’s done nothing noteworthy in this game, he tries his absolute hardest to sound as smart as possible. He tries to make all these “witty” and “clever” phrases and shit, it’s so annoying. He is by far the most fake person in this game. The only reason he’s above the other 3 is that I can see him being a great talker in a FTC scenario, even though about 95% of the stuff he’d say in a FTC would be absolute bullshit.

6. Drew - Man, I don’t know what the fuck happened to Drew. I thought he was a pretty great player in Indonesia, but I guess all the drugs and alcohol must’ve gotten to him cause he’s kind of an idiot now. I thought he played decently in the pre-merge, but he’s been out of the loop of too many merge votes to be considered a serious threat to win.

7. Lydia - She has the likability factor, and being the most nicest person left in the game. She’s pissed absolutely nobody off. But she’s also been a follower for pretty much the entire time I’ve been with her. And that’s really all I have to say.

8. Adam - Realistically if Adam made it to the end, he’d have a decent underdog story to sell due to getting votes at pretty much every tribal council since the merge. But that’s really all just coincidence, because Adam is by far the most gullible player in the game. The person that Adam trusts the least in this game could sell him a lie, and he’d still buy it. All he’s done in this merge has been latching onto better players (first Dale, now myself) and just following their every command. He let himself get absolutely slave-whipped by Dale, and had no clue that Dale was manipulating him until I was able to open his eyes and show him for myself. And that’s something that can’t be overlooked.

So yeah, those are my thoughts on the players that remain in the game. As an outside spectator, I’d probably only be content with a win from either myself, Lucy, or Danni. Any of the other 5 would be a disappointment, unless they really start to pick things up in the final stretch.

As for what I can do in this game to minimize my target, realistically the only thing I can do is continue to be entertaining in public instances so that these people would want to keep me around to make them laugh lol. I know that’s not really a good enough strategy, but there’s really nothing I can do at this point that can convince people that I’m not a giant threat.
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By Caryn
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I’m gonna be honest, I have no idea what I’m gonna do this round. In fact, I kind of feel like I’m in a “Angel on one shoulder, Devil on the other” situation.

The Angel is telling me to stick with the all-girls alliance that I formed and ride it all the way out to the F5. Which means that this round all the girls + Drew will likely split the votes on Adam/Zeke in case one of them has the Taino idol, and if no idol is played then Zeke gets voted out on the re-vote.

The Devil, on the other hand, is telling me to do everything that the angel told me to do. But instead of sticking with the plan, I flip my vote on the girls alliance, vote with Adam/Zeke. Whichever one of them still has 3 votes after I flip will get the idol played on them, and then one of the girls (probably Danni or Chrissy) gets voted out 3-2.

You may think that sounds absolutely fucking insane, but honestly I think I have a better chance of getting to the end if I go with the Devil’s plan. Because I feel like if I ride the girls alliance all the way to the F5, I’m probably gonna have to win the last 2 immunity challenges to get to the end, otherwise I’m toast. Cause before he left, I learned from Joaq that the winner of the immunity challenge gets an idol clue and gets to give it to a certain amount of people. Danni & Lydia have both won immunity, and I didn’t get an idol clue from either of them. So that’s pretty much a telltale sign. They don’t want the idol in my hands, because they want to take me out soon.

I feel like if I decide to link up with Adam/Zeke this round and vote out one of those girls, I can probably convince Lucy to flip with me in the next round. Cause we both mutually like each other a lot and I don’t think she’d be as angry with me as everyone else would. And once that happens, me/Lucy/Adam/Zeke will go to the F4 together. And even if I lose the final immunity, I honestly think Lucy will be loyal enough to vote with me and at least give me a 50/50 shot with the tiebreaker.

But at the same time, I also understand that the only way the Devil’s plan would work is if one of Adam/Zeke 100% has the Taino idol. And the only way I can know for sure is if I ask them upfront, and I’m not sure if I want to do that because it’s very risky and can make me look sketchy in their eyes. I mean I could probably just convince Lucy to flip with me this round, but the problem with that is she’s never online during the day so I probably wouldn’t have enough time to convince her.

So yeah, I don’t fucking know what I’m gonna do here. I very well might just be super fucking paranoid, but right now I genuinely think that I have a better chance of getting to the end if I roll with Adam/Zeke than I do if I stick with the girls. As insane as it sounds.

And besides, I created the girls alliance. It’s only poetic if I’m the one to destroy it as well.
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By Caryn
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Alright, I’m going with the Angel’s plan cause Zeke’s dumbass wants to vote out Drew for some reason.

There’s no way I’m getting out another veteran after 3 have been knocked out in a row. And besides, he’s not even a threat.
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By Caryn
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Actually I’m now starting to have second thoughts on what to do.

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By Caryn
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I’m about to come out of this vote as either the biggest idiot in the game or the most genius.

Time will tell.
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By Caryn
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Update: I’m about to look like the biggest idiot ever lmao
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