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8 players remain.

So I feel like I should do another ranking since it's been awhile. Again, I'm ranking from favorite/most trusted to least favorite/least trusted.

1. Adam
2. Caryn
3. Zeke
4. Danni
5. Lydia
6. Drew
7. Chrissy

Adam kind of fell off the top for awhile, but I have been drawn right back to him. Adam seems to always take my advice and gives me a lot of information. To Adam's knowledge I have always had his best interest at heart and honestly, the more I think about it, I have been his fucking guardian angel. I was the vote that brought his ass to two different tie breakers and I have never done anything directly to hurt his game. I don't see how to make Adam survive these next two votes. I can only hope Lydia will put off voting for him, but eventually, I will have to put Adam down, even though I don't want too and it will pain me.

Caryn has been dethrowned. I have started to come to the conclusion that I need to stop banking on her. Caryn has an in with all of the girls and they are all scared to fucking death of her. If Caryn makes it to the finals she will win and I would happily vote for her. Caryn has kind of lost her touch though. Caryn went from being really fun and unique to being all business. All of our conversations are game related and her trying to instruct me on what to do. It's all present talk too. No where do we discuss going far together. I asked Caryn if we were going to the finals together and she literally was like 'Oh yeah sure.' It was the biggest record scratch and red flag to me. I am starting to second guess my decision to vote Joaquin. If I can't find a way to change the tide... it's all over.

Zeke is someone who I like as a person, very much so, but as a player he drives me nuts. Zeke is very gullible and gives away too much information. Zeke always has to check in with people and its kind of transparent. I do think Zeke is genuine when it comes to the non related game chats and I feel like I can talk to Zeke about anything... but he really needs to pull his cards closer to his chest, because you can totally see his hand.

Danni is someone I admire as a player. I like Danni, but I do not trust Danni. Danni more or less thinks she has this game wrapped up and to be honest, she kind of does, for now... Danni could beat anyone in the finals. She has a lot of friends on the jury and has a lot of respect from the players who have screwed her over. I think that Danni has the immunity idol which makes me even more scared of her, but part of me thinks she is too lazy and doesn't have the patience to search.... I just want Danni out of the equation. I think she would be an easy sell.

Lydia is someone I want to become best friends with... I can tell she likes me, but she's guarded and I honestly am also guarded for the same reason. I think she is Danni's show pony and I'm sure she thinks I am Caryn's bitch. I honestly think I would be more likely to cut Caryn's throat than Lydia would Danni, but I get the sense that Lydia wants me to be a part of her future plans and that she is too afraid to confide in me.

Drew is all over the place game wise and I am reaching the point where I would like to vote him out. I'm going to push to have him voted off over Zeke and Adam because he is a much bigger challenge threat and is also a jury threat... he has not voted off 1 fucking juror on the night they got canned besides Brian and that doesn't even count because Brian was purple rocked out of the game >_>. I just think he thinks hes a lot smarter than he is. All of the things people said about Joaquin are exactly what I feel about Drew...

Chrissy is pointless, boring... she has done nothing and is the last person I would ever vote for to win. I want her gone or sitting next to me as a goat in the final tribal. Chrissy has done nothing in this game, but join the girl alliance. I would like her off the island stat.
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Sitting in the room waiting for the technician to take me to X-Ray I start really thinking about long term.

Right now my resume has the blood of every juror that was actually voted off, not removed, or purple rocked out. The only times anyone could say my vote was the clincher was when Joaquin left. I need at least two big kills on my resume if I am going to be the winner of this game.

Adam and Zeke are up for grabs. They were labeled as goats and stupid easy beats during the majority rules challenge. They have always been super loyal to me and a lot easier to manipulate than the girls. I like them both very very much.

It's like a lightbulb hit me square in the fucking forehead.

Why the fuck am I not going to the finals with them? There is virtually no reason why I should not be working with them. I know it's going to be a hard sell to get anyone to come work with all Tainos, but I have the ammo, I just don't know if I can pull the trigger without getting caught.

It's clear the girls are all together... the boys have to see that... My best bet is to basically get the girls to split the vote between Adam and Zeke and strike.

I have played it safe and smart this whole game and it's suited me well because I am one of the few people here whom have not been blindsided yet.

Lydia got a wake up call in that challenge. Lydia was labeled as a final three goat and must be really hurt that she is viewed as cannon fodder essentially. I think I can go to Lydia and sell her on dumping the gals and going with the Tainos. It would make sense for her. Lydia could beat Adam and Zeke if the girls were all on the jury so this deal would be a neon sign glowing in the desert to anyone who really wants to win this game.

Is Lydia smart enough to cut ties with Danni though... that is the 64,000 dollar question. Lydia either knows she has the idol or... honestly that is the only reason that makes any sense as to why she would stick with Danni.

Drew is the second option... Only he is unreliable and always throws his votes out and doesn't tell anyone. I think Drew has learned his lesson now that he was left outside of the Joaquin blindside, but who knows...

All I know is is that I need to make some kind of move at this next Tribal Council or I will just get kicked off at final six or final five. I cant play safe anymore. I need to make a lot of noise and make the jury see that they underestimated me and that I had the balls to snipe players out at the right time.

Danni or Chrissy need to go... so I am going to start by trying to target Chrissy to Lydia and see where that gets me.
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Once I was admitted to the actual hospital, the heavens parted, a choir sang Hallelujah, and two swans fucked on a serene lake before me.

Or I just talked to Drew and cleaned house.

I messaged Drew that we basically need to have a serious talk. I tell Drew that if we don't use those two boys now- that we are shooting ourselves in the foot.

I ended up talking to Drew instead of Lydia just because Lydia isn't in a place of desperation. I know Drew is and ultimately he would be more likely to help me out. Lord did he help me out. Not only did I not have to do much convincing, Drew pretty much is on the same fucking page and has the same idea I have... PERFECT. I have a fall boy in case this works out.

All I had to do was tell Drew about all of my insecurities and why I doubted him and apologize. That's pretty much all I had to do. Drew thinks we need to get the girls to split the vote and use Adam/Zeke to blindside one of them. Drew is on the right track, but I have to explain to him that if this is going to work we need to make sure that one of the votes being split are cast by the girls. Drew could easily just be asked to have him throw a vote... I tell Drew that I will wait to tell the Taino boys till Sunday to prevent any leakage.

Lies. I immediately message Adam that I have the answer to taking control of the game and that we are going to make a move to steal it.

I think the funniest thing about this game is that people seem to think that if your the first person to verbalize an idea that it means YOU MADE THE PLAN AND IT ONLY WORKED BECAUSE OF YOU. That's a bunch of horseshit. The only reason Adam and Zeke are going to go along with this plan is because of me. Drew has treated both of them like trash and has lied to both of them so many times that it's almost embarrassing that Drew believes in his little mind that he is going to mastermind this blindside. Drew, keep thinking you hold the strings, because in reality you may think you hold the strings, but without the puppets you don't have a show to put on. I have the puppets.

The only part of this plan that Drew gets any credit for is that he wants Caryn to leave... which... horrifies me. I know I have to vote Caryn out eventually, but why her? Caryn is not a challenge threat and a lot of her game is overhyped. Drew has had this weird vendetta against Caryn this entire game. I really think this is a dumb idea at first, but really, after thinking on it during my X-Ray... it's a good move for me. I need Drew for 2 votes in order to have a 50/50 shot of an all Taino final three... Caryn is perceived to be this big strategic threat... and everyone thinks I am her puppet. Eliminating Caryn is a reality check and also makes me look savage, evil, and again, underestimated. I think voting Caryn will make the girls hate me, but also fear me.

I think with Caryn gone... the jury will be surprised by me... and again... Drew might think he can take responsibility for this move, but he has nothing without my help, and I will eventually make him a victim in one of the body bags on my resume.

All in good time though.
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I was in pain and sleeping almost all weekend.

I left the hospital Sunday afternoon and came home. Adam and Zeke love the plan, but really, what choice have they? It's either they can have the votes split between them or they can finally be on the right side of the majority strategically.

Zeke wants to know that everything is good between us. Zeke apologizes for how he acted after Joaquin left and he just wants to make sure we are Gucci. I tell Zeke that I hope that in voting for Caryn that I can prove to him that he has had nothing to worry about and he sees that I really do have his best interest at heart. I wanted to sound as sappy as possible so he feels that I am playing emotionally... when in reality it's 75% strategy and maybe 25% emotional. Zeke has been a rock for me in a few non game related ways and I obviously felt close enough to share some of the darker sides of my personality, but this is mostly just me manipulating him into feeling like this is purely emotional. I am making this move for Zeke. In his mind... Hopefully.

I tell Adam that I am making this move for him. Which this is actually true. Adam has been my confidant this entire game and I kind of got lost in the flashiness of the vets somewhere along the way, but I need Adam to get to the end. I trust him the most and I don't feel like he is a slam dunk victory. I feel like I could argue the weak points in Adam's gang. Anyone that tries to argue that Adam was an underdog who was able to save himself... that's about half right. He was an underdog. Adam is here because of the vets and myself. Adam is not here based on some strategical merit. Adam still is tops though. I love Adam to pieces. I want to finish this contest sitting next to him and it just happens to be a mix of strategy and wanting to honor our friendship. I'm sorry but anyone that says Survivor isn't personal is a moron. You may vote people out that you liked, but for the most part, strategic decisions come solely down to the relationships you make with people.

I suggested that we get the vets to vote for Adam and the newbies to vote for Zeke to the girls. Caryn more or less copies/pastes what I say to the pussy power alliance chat and everyone is on board with the plan. Drew gets more credit here, cause I do give credit when its earned, but he played a big part in getting the girls to split the votes. I spent most of that time trying to garner sympathy for my pancreas. HEY IF I HAVE TO BE IN PAIN AND EAT FUCKING FLAVORLESS PUDDING I MIGHT AS WELL GARNER SOME FUCKING SYMPATHY.

The Immunity Challenge is announced and it's a bidding war. We have to wager how many random assigned survivors we can find pictures of within an allotted amount of time. It's done in versus mode. One player makes a time bid, the next player either reduces the time or challenges the other player to the time they bid.

Before the challenge starts I let Adam know that it's important that he lose... we need the vote to be split... and Drew apparently already told Zeke my same idea... This is the easiest challenge to throw and we need it to work.

Zeke and Danni face off first. Zeke, throws the challenge so embarrassingly that I cant believe the girls aren't suspicious. He didn't do much to reduce the time or anything. Danni slays Zeke.

Adam's first match ended up being against Caryn and I immediately tell him that he needs to wait to throw the comp. Caryn needs to be out of the running for our plan to work. Adam ends up winning the heat and knocking Caryn out.

Drew faces off against Chrissy who he quickly eliminates. Drew sends me against Adam. I low ball the time to 30 seconds and quickly eliminate Adam.

It eventually came down to DANNI, LYDIA, and MYSELF. I really thought I had a chance of winning this. I felt like Lydia was my biggest competition. In the penultimate match up, I fucked up... I somehow added numbers after .JPG which caused not one, but two of my pictures to show up. If I had fixed that problem I would have walked into the final round with the bidding advantage and could have possibly beat Lydia... but nope. I fuck up, not enough time to correct... Danni wins the round and gets her ass kicked by Lydia in the final heat.

Lydia wins Immunity again... another clue.... more knowledge that I am not going to obtain. I'm starting to think that voting Caryn off may be a big mistake.

I start to panic.

I panic because of guilt. I don't want to vote for Caryn yet. I hate that I have to keep voting off the people I am closest too... JOAQUIN, DALE, CARYN.... This is like a nightmare.

I tell Drew that I am freaking out and that from here on out he has to be my therapist...

The chats are turned off....

It's time to make a choice.
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Congratulations on making it to the top 8! How are you feeling now that we're getting closer and closer to the top 3? What are you going to do to push yourself to the finish line?
It feels good to be just five positions away from a chance at 100 dollars. I keep trying to forget about the money so I don't get upset if I don't get it, but as we get closer to the top three the 100 looms larger. I feel more stress. I feel like I am going to have to make a lot of choices that will hurt people that I sincerely care about.

My plan is to get to the final three with some amalgamation of Adam, Zeke, Lydia, or Chrissy. I would prefer to be in the end with all of my Taino brethren, but nothing has been a straight line in this game. I have had to do a lot of zig-zagging across the board and if that's how I am going to fill one of the seats in the finals, that's what I am going to do.

Tonight's challenge involved matching contestants to statements. How do you feel about the outcomes? Do you think they are reliable to how people actually feel?
I think a lot of it is strategic. Players who are in the line up to be picked off like the boys and Dale got a heap of the most negative answers. I felt disappointed that I didn't get more answers. I think my name came up less than anyone else. You could argue that that makes me under the radar, but in truth, it's just that I have not been an extreme in this game. EXTREMES get sent to the jury. If you are beloved, your going to get canned for being a threat to win. If you are hated, you are a scapegoat that will get canned sooner than later.

I was happy to be viewed as someone that was trusted. My ego was hurt that I didn't get most likely to be an all star when I feel like I have been the most active person in this game. Socially, Confessional Wise, Strategically... I have never missed one live night the entire game.
Who do you think is the next to go and how are you going to make sure it's not you?
I think the next to go is going to be either Caryn - if I go with this vote splitting plan and get the balls to do it. If not Caryn, it's going to be Zeke. Zeke doesn't have as many friends as Adam does. I feel confident that this blindside of Caryn will pan out. I am more scared about what happens afterwords frankly.
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So let's do this... I like doing this right after the quiz challenge because it allows you to see what the end-game might look like.

Rank the players in the game from Most threatening to win down to Least. Include yourself.

So let's do this... I like doing this right after the quiz challenge because it allows you to see what the end-game might look like.

Rank the players in the game from Most threatening to win down to Least. Include yourself.

Where do you fall in this ranking? if you are towards the bottom, how can you improve your optics for the jury in order to have a shot at winning the game? If you are towards the top, what can you do to convince the others to stay over less-threatening players?

Are you a goat? Are you fighting with the others over sitting in the final 3 with the goats?
1. Danni

Danni has played a very loud game and was involved in many alliances and has many friends in the jury. Gary, Ryan, Dale, and Joaquin would EASILY vote for Danni to win... Hell, I would vote for Danni. I think she has a great shot of winning and it's entitled. Danni has been a force.

2. Drew

I don't think Drew is deserving of being ranked this high, but the jury is a big group of people that Drew did not vote for. Drew was aligned with every single juror besides Jim/Brian and he didn't vote any of them out. Dale told me when he left that he was proud of Dale and felt he was very clever. I think Drew has not played a great game strategically, but he has done a good job of conning the jury into thinking he played no part in there demises.

3. Caryn

Caryn is highly viewed as a kingpin. Caryn was a part of the Girl Power crew and a lot of people like and respect her. Caryn has never finished in single digits in all of her time playing Stranded. I think Caryn has a winning story and argument if she gets to the end. I doubt Caryn would be stupid enough to go with Danni and Drew.

4. Lucy

I think I have the social bonds and a very strong argument if I can knock out all of the people ahead of me. Unfortunately I was viewed as a vet puppet by earlier jurors, but I have proven that assertion wrong. I was the swing vote that caused each of there demises. I think that I am respected, I don't know if that's enough to garner a victory, but I think I have done the best job playing the game behind the scenes. It's just a question of if I can illuminate my game a little more. I am hoping Caryn getting the boot and saying she trusted me and was shocked will better my odds.

5. Adam

I think that Adam has the whole underdog thing going in his favor and he has some friends too that didn't want to vote for Adam. Adam really could make some compelling arguments, but I hope he's not sitting with me because I will rip his game to shreds. I think Adam could win if the jury is bitter.

6. Zeke

I think Zeke has shown he is active and that he has tried to get to know people. Unlike Adam, he doesn't have a 1,000,000 votes cast against him which makes him less of an underdog. I think if Zeke wanted to win he would have to crawl out of Adam's shadow.

7. Lydia

I think Lydia has a lot to prove if she wants to win. Lydia does have friends on the jury, but she is working with players who are much closer to the jury than she is. Lydia would need to drop Danni and make some big power moves to win the game. Lydia has won some challenges which definitely spruces her resume up a little bit, but that's not enough.

8. Chrissy

Chrissy has been bitter and rude to the jury as she has voted them out. Chrissy rubbing Dale and Joaquin's demise in there face will come back to bite her in the ass. I wouldn't vote for Chrissy in any scenario. She always bitches about being left out and blindsided... I think her game priorities are fucked up.

No I am not a Goat. I have played a solid game. If this was televised and the jury was able to watch everything I think they would undeniably see that I was one of the strongest players of the entire season. I think I need to do a little bit more to make that point clear, but there is plenty of time left. If Caryn leaves, there are two people over me in the ranking that I need to have a part in kicking out.
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