By Lucy
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Final Six.

I am still in the running for the hundred dollar cash prize. God damn I wish it was a million dollars. Lord knows the amount of stress that I have been put under is befitting of a million dollars. Live games are a different breed. I am so accustomed to playing games that give you time to breathe and to prepare yourself. This game has been one kick to the teeth after another. You are constantly running with the wolves. Everyone wears there sheeps' clothes while they chaperone. You have to keep up with the beat of the game or you trip and can't recover.

Stranded has been very very intense. I don't think I could do this again, but that's not to suggest that this game has been excellent, because it has been. I just don't think I have the brain cells left to burn. I want to win. I never focus on winning because I am so often let down. I really want to fucking win this shit. I don't care if it's ridiculous to assert that I want it most, but god damn I'm going to say it. I want it the most. LOL.

I really need to tread carefully. This next vote is very key to whether or not I can slide into the finals and have a shot at this thing. The obvious decision would be to eliminate Danni. Danni has the most friends on the jury- now having said that- if I clip Danni too soon, I could be fucking myself. Danni staying in the picture is a good buffer. If I had my way she would be in the final five and get kicked out of the picture then.

The problem I am starting to see is Lydia. Adam and Zeke could get cute and decide it's in their best interests to go with Lydia, which at this point is a mistake, they should have been thinking about game winning moves a little earlier in the game. If Adam and Zeke come with me they can always try and pull the bullshit TAINO WORKED TOGETHER spiel and that would be more believable than them saying WE PLAYED LUCY AND LET HER DO THE DIRTY WORK AND JUST CASHED IN AT THE END.

I want to believe Adam and Zeke would like for me to be in the finals with them, but we are getting close to the finish line, and they can very easily pop their legs out and trip me.

So my game plan is to try and convince Adam and Zeke to blindside Lydia. No one will see it coming. It allows us to move into the power position. If they resist and try and rally to keep Lydia... I will know they are gonna knock me out at final five or four.

Stay Tuned for how that goes.
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By Lucy
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Let's start off by a bit of reflection, always nice to remember how you got here to help prepare for the future. Bound to repeat the same mistakes if you cant remember history and all that...

What have you learned about your game from Stranded that you can implement going forward?
What have I learned from Stranded? I have learned that I am a lot stronger than I thought I was. I second guess myself a lot and can be very pessimistic, but I have forsaken myself. I wish I could put that to use in my real life because if I put as much effort as I do into these games and manipulation I could worm my way to the top of a company. I have been a lot more in control of my destiny and I am the only person left who can say they were in on every single play since the merge. EVERY SUCCESSFUL PLAY. That's not a coincidence. I have put a lot of time into getting to know everyone and doing my best to make them feel comfortable with me. I need to stay humble though going forward. I can't count my chickens before they hatch. This game is far from over. I still have three eliminations to survive before I can start writing my opening statement. I just hope I can continue to channel that intensity and keep going- hopefully to the end.
What is your plan to WIN the game, not just make it to the end, but WIN. Is it a move, a combination of finalists you plan to go with, a pitch to the jury... what?
I will win this game if the jury rewards strategy and doesn't take things personal. I have put every single juror that left due to a majority vote into the jury. Knock on wood that that continues into the finals. It's a great argument and it's irrefutable. I had a strong social game- which no one can deny. I don't care if people like me or not... If my social game wasn't on point I wouldn't have been able to pull off so many of these blindsides. I wish I had put a better showing in these challenges, but that's another point I could put in my favor- I never needed immunity. I hope that I win a merge challenge cause that makes me look a little more well rounded. I think I just need to own my moves while not sounding like an egomaniac which is really hard to do. I always think I am coming off as very clever and it rubs some jurors the wrong way.
Explore all of your options here, even if they seem crazy/ like poor game moves. It can help to brainstorm all the possibilities and think of pros and cons for them.
Option 1- Take out Lydia. Cement a final three of Adam, Lucy, and Zeke. Take Drew/Danni out next.

Option 2- Take out Danni. Hope Adam and Zeke don't fuck me over... hope Drew doesn't win final five immunity.. and pray I win the final immunity so I can take Lydia out and sit next to Adam and Zeke.

Option 3- Take out Zeke. Ride with Drew, hope Adam forgives me, and go to the end with Drew and Adam. Danni out fifth, Lydia out fourth. The cons to this are trying to convince Adam to trust me again after knocking Zeke out.

Option 4- Go with the Girls. Danni and Lydia. Take out Taino and then Drew. This is incredibly unlikely, but it's another option. I just don't see Lydia going for it. Danni would like this though.
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By Lucy
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Since we are at a point for reflection... I thought I would post some of my favorite moments and least favorite moments from the game.

My favorite moments of this game are conversation oriented. I loved chatting with Adam, Caryn, Dale, and Mari. I felt very connected with both of them in different ways. Caryn made me feel young and her taste in music is so on point I would steal the bitches Ipod if it was in my grasp. Adam felt like a glimmer twin. Adam has all of the same pop culture nerdy things in common. The first night that I actually had a non related game conversation with Adam was probably my favorite conversation of the entire game. I think that was around the time of the first switch. Dale is kind of a curmudgeon and I relate on so many levels. I feel like there were moments where Dale told me things about his life and I just related. I really did think Dale was going to be at the end of this game and I really hoped I could be sitting in the finals with him, but as I got to know him, I realized I was in too deep. Dale was on to me and I knew Dale was going to do anything he could to win. Dale made it clear that he lost the last time due to being blindly loyal to someone who played better... I kind of felt like that was his way of self consciously warning me that I needed to watch out. Mari feels like a distant memory. I loved Mari. Mari was savage and cutting and funny. I really wonder how things would have turned out if she wasn't swapfucked. I never really got any insight into what kind of player she was so I guess I will never find out.

Definitive moments that were some of my favorites...

Blindsiding Chrissy. I seriously think it was a personal highlight. Chrissy just always rubbed me the wrong way and I was happy to learn it was mutual. Chrissy is very young and if she's not young I feel bad for her because she is very immature.

Winning the Word Search Immunity Challenge. I do think I had won over my tribe enough that I would have survived a second tribal council on Lucayan, but I earned the majority of the points and ended up securing my spot into the merge. That win was more important to me than the individual immunity I won pre-merge.

Finding out the truth about the TAINO ALLIANCE chat. I don't think I ever laughed so hard during this game. FUCKING JOAQUIN. I was soooo paranoid about it and didn't stop to even consider that someone not on Taino made it. The chat server being changed clinched it to me. I felt like Probst was trying to correct a mistake. Definitely was NOT one of my shining moments of intelligence, but it was still fucking funny to me.

My least favorite memories....

Mari's name turning black and learning that she was out of the game. I know that's such an obscure memory because she didn't last that long, but she got shafted.

Blindsiding Caryn was probably the worst. I didn't want to do it. I still feel unclean about it, but it was a necessary evil. Blindsiding Caryn was what showed me the length I would go to win this game. I was just having fun and wanted to make it to the end. Nope, not after blindsiding Caryn. I want to win.

I certainly did not enjoy fighting with Chrissy and Danni at tribal, but it was worth it just to see Chrissy get blindsided. I care about what Danni thinks so obviously Danni wanting me out stung a lot worse.

Key Points in my game.

Taino 1.0

I was in a final two alliance with Mari. I was in a final five alliance that consisted of Adam, Mari, Zeke, and Will. I was apart of a final three with Hannah and Mari that wasn't exactly official, but it was discussed.

Taino 2.0
I had the Taino Five still, but I started to become close with Drew specifically. I cut Will off- which was a huge move. It showed everyone that it wasn't Taino pride and if I had not done that I don't think I would have been so seemless into the next switch. Drew and I solidy a final two agreement that may or not be real yet.

Lucayan 3.0
I befriend Dale, Joaquin, and Danni. I was able to convince the Lucayan that I was a free-agent. Brooke left and if we had lost again I had convinced the vets that Brian was expendable and had at least one more life in me. We luckily won immunity and walked into a very confusing merge.

Merge Tribe
I threw a vote at Jim and survived a purple rock of doom draw.
I was one of the votes that eliminated Gary. I showed Dale and Joaquin that I could utilize the Taino boys to our advantage.
I was one of the votes that eliminated Ryan.
I teamed up with the girls and made the Golden Girls alliance.
I blinsided Joaquin- led the charge on him by outing his idol.
I was one of the votes that eliminated Dale. I do damage control with the Taino boys.
I blinsided Caryn. Drew and I rekindle our final 2. I show the Taino boys my loyalty and that they can depend on me.
I blinsided Chrissy. I was able to convince Adam to tell Lydia we were voting Danni. Lydia voted Danni and even possibly tipped Danni off to use her idol incorrectly.

And here we are.

It seems so small compared to how much I have endured, but I am very happy with my resume. I just hope I don't fuck it up in the next three rounds.
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By Lucy
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The Immunity Challenge was so fucking cool. It was my favorite competition we did all season, despite the fact that one again I totally Mr. Magoo'd myself and fucked over a victory that could have very easily been mine.

We have been given a Coordinate Board with a bunch of X's. When you click on the first red X a bunch of coordinates pop up and you use those coordinates to move around the board. If you follow the directions correctly you will click on a new image that has a new diagram with a new symbol and coordinates. The object of the game is to post all of the symbols in the correct order.

I lose the race before it began, because I didn't notice the BIG FUCKING YELLOW OCTAGON when I clicked the first yellow coordinate. I am so embarrassed. I was the first person to post my answer by a long shot and I some how forgot the most obvious coordinate that there was. I actually thought I had won... until a few seconds later Danni posted and she had a waaaaaaaaay longer list of symbols than my ass.

Danni wins an Immunity that she thinks she needed that she really didn't TBH. Danni's immunity win is the best thing that could have happened frankly. I now get to see if I can make Lydia's demise a reality.

Drew has been harping on all day about voting for Zeke, but I think Drew is very very paranoid that the girls will run to the boys and knock him out. Drew has made the mistake of bitch slapping people not once, but twice. Drew is so paranoid that he thinks eliminating Lydia is a good idea. I think it's funny because I subtly direct Drew to these ideas and he thinks HE came up with it. No child, it's because I have misted your fucking mind. Drew has to believe these ideas are his or he won't go along with plans. Drew is already writing that opening statement about how he masterminded everything in his head. I would honestly vote Drew off now if I didn't think there was a .2% chance he has the Taino Idol.

I also don't trust Danni enough to make a move on Drew. She just likes being abused by him. Danni is like a chick in abusive relationship that fingers herself after her husband decks her. Danni should be running to Adam and Ryan, but whatever, keep running back to Drew. SEE WHERE IT GETS YOU DANNI.

To keep Drew happy with a plan of voting off Lydia, I suggest we tell Danni we are eliminating Lydia so that next round she will be more likely to go with us to break up Adam and Zeke. Sorry Drew, but I have no intentions of going to the finals with you. I know your game. I don't think you have paid much attention to mine because I have eaten all of my allies and shat them out into the jury Lol.

I tell Danni- look- it is in your best interest to vote off Lydia and that if she does she is opening a gate way to make final four. I don't tell her who will be in the final four, but I tell her that final four is the only thing anyone could promise her and that I am telling the truth. I tell Danni that anyone who tells you they are taking you to the end is LYING. Danni just agrees with 'your right' because it's honestly the truth.

In the last five minutes or so I seriously have to run and prevent Zeke from hanging himself. Zeke wants to tell Lydia to vote for Drew o_o. Are you a moron Zeke? But apparently I should have been running to Adam because ADAM FUCKING TELLS LYDIA TO VOTE FOR DREW. -_-. Adam and Zeke sometimes don't think things through. Adam and Zeke don't have the full picture that I do, but still, come on... Drew is BARELY on board with voting Lydia.

Pre vote jitters...

Drew comes up with this moronic and fake immunity idol that he found on Refuge that was so stupid and ridiculous that Danni , Lydia, Adam, and Zeke all need to fucking change there names and flee the country. Drew wants to say that he is using the Idol on himself and Me... and I'm like... No... LOL. Keep me out of your cringey idol play. Also why on earth would you want to telegraph the alliance you think you have with me to the world. I tell Drew not to name anyone and say hes giving it to someone he trusts....

The Jury kept posting emoticons that were a mix of I CANT BELIEVE THIS FUCKER IS TRYING THIS and I CANT BELIEVE PEOPLE WOULD FALL FOR THIS HOW CLEVER. It's really none of it. Those jury members think Drew is such a genius, when he's not. I WILL SAY Drew had shocked me and is a lot smarter than I pegged him, but to be honest, I have manipulated him through every move to do my benefit. I got him to allow Taino to be in the majority o_o. Drew thinks he has me under his thumb, when in reality, it's the other way around.

The only way Drew is going to escape my stab to the back is if he wins the last two immunity challenges. Which to be honest, is a real possibility.

Drew in a lot of ways is a bigger threat than Danni is... but whatever. I will hit that bridge after the next immunity competition.

Lydia ends up leaving in a 4-2 vote.

Another beautiful move orchestrated by moi.
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