By Joaquin
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Brian, you need to calm down dude. Caryn played her season like years before any of the other vets did, she in no way had an advantage to start. If anything, YOU had an advantage in being the first person pulled to Refuge by Jim. We knew there were only gonna be about half of the vets left entering the game, obviously you can't pull 6 on 14 without schmoozing with some of the newbies. Since you were immune and on our tribe but also got to know some of the other newbies we pretty much had no choice but to try to align with you. That's a fucking huge advantage, and you still were one challenge from going out before the merge.

@Caryn - deciding to tell you whether or not I had an idol was a huge dilemma. I wasn't sure if it would lock you into me or if it would make you want to vote me out immediately. Being alpha douches at the beginning of the game was super fun. At the same time, to avoid inflating your ego too much I warned you that Dale and I were your meat shields and yet you were a stupid cunt anyways.

TLDR: fuck Brian, Caryn's decently chill
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By Dale
Brian, how many people have to tell you that you were on the brink of going home premerge before you drop the robbed shit? You weren’t robbed dude. Gary and the other Taino might have thought you were the vet leader but you weren’t, you were an easy ally to fool.

You should listened to Blake lmao.
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By Gary
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Dale wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 3:12:53 pm
Brian, how many people have to tell you that you were on the brink of going home premerge before you drop the robbed shit? You weren’t robbed dude. Gary and the other Taino might have thought you were the vet leader but you weren’t, you were an easy ally to fool.

You should listened to Blake lmao.
Lol wut. I called it Brian's army cuz he was the connection between the vets and the other lucayan there. Idk who turned that into "Brian is leading the vets" but thats not at alI how I felt. And the context of those conversations should have made that super clear icon_glare

By the time I said that I already had plenty of hints that the vets weren't cool with Brian.

My goal with those statements was to keep them from viewing me as that connection while appearing disloyal to my OG Lucayan pals.
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By Caryn
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Dale wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:53:43 pm
Good game Caryn, sucks you couldn’t go farther
Same to you, man. I never saw you as a goat, although with the way that you played the game I’d imagine you would’ve had tons of enemies on the jury if you were sitting in the F3 lol.
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By Caryn
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Joaquin wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 1:21:12 pm
Brian, you need to calm down dude. Caryn played her season like years before any of the other vets did, she in no way had an advantage to start. If anything, YOU had an advantage in being the first person pulled to Refuge by Jim. We knew there were only gonna be about half of the vets left entering the game, obviously you can't pull 6 on 14 without schmoozing with some of the newbies. Since you were immune and on our tribe but also got to know some of the other newbies we pretty much had no choice but to try to align with you. That's a fucking huge advantage, and you still were one challenge from going out before the merge.

@Caryn - deciding to tell you whether or not I had an idol was a huge dilemma. I wasn't sure if it would lock you into me or if it would make you want to vote me out immediately. Being alpha douches at the beginning of the game was super fun. At the same time, to avoid inflating your ego too much I warned you that Dale and I were your meat shields and yet you were a stupid cunt anyways.

TLDR: fuck Brian, Caryn's decently chill
I would’ve turned against you regardless of if you told me about the idol or not. I knew I was never gonna work with you & Dale long-term. It was something that was already boiling in my head all the way back when we were still in Refuge.

The only impact that the idol revelation had on my plans was that it convinced me that you needed to be the one to get voted out first over Dale, because like I said before, I knew you’d feel too comfortable to play it. And that gave me one less idol to worry about.

I knew it was gonna be a risk turning against you & Dale as early as I did, but I didn’t really have a choice. One of my main goals coming into the merge was to form a better relationship with Danni, and Dale wanted to blindside her in that F10 round even though I felt like I was able to successfully get her to value me more than she valued you or Dale. And I couldn’t let all that work I put in with her go to waste.

Obviously I understand now that I should’ve waited, but the only thing going through my head at the time it was happening was that if I stuck with you & Dale and went all the way with you guys, there’s no way I would’ve won. And I’d rather get voted out as a threat to win than go to the end with 2 guys who would’ve handedly beaten me.
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By Jim
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Brian wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:40:06 pm
Caryn wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:01:32 am
Oh yeah Brian, I’m sure you forgot all about me even though we were pretty much with each other since the start and talked every round, where I had to put up with your overtly fake people pleasing bullshit.

I’ve read through the entire Ponderosa and learned pretty much all that I need to know about you and your little post-game antics.

Stop being bitter & get the fuck over it already. You weren’t robbed.
I forgot about you after I was eliminated just because I felt like you just played a bit under the radar in comparison to some of the people who came before you, no shade to you.

That being said, you could also get over yourself? Like I understand you’re a returnee and all, but let’s be real here. You were boring and came in with an automatic alliance. You weren’t winning and don’t come dragging me down because you flopped. Also let’s be real here, you/Dale started the people pleasing with me before ever pandering back, so I’d prefer if you don’t make yourself a hypocrite?

I’m fine if we disagree on my robbed status, which is subjective anyhow and I apologize for arguing that, but I have played over 70 games and that twist was by far the worst I’ve ever experienced. It didn’t fit this cast at all and then the whole Jim thing happened which was disrespectful to me going out how I did. If you still disagree, fine whatever, but it was game ruining and we all know it.
How bout we don't drag me into your elimination every time. Wasn't my fault you didn't give a name at the merge vote, which led to it going to rocks. we all had the opportunity to save ourself. You just got screwed by it. You weren't robbed.
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By Chrissy
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I don’t have a horse in this race, but I’ll throw in my opinion because why not.

We all had a chance to change our fates at the tribal and nobody took it, despite Jeff’s numerous attempts at trying to get everyone to play. If the roles had been reversed and someone else went home, you wouldn’t have cared, Brian. I get you’re pissed because like I would be too if that was me, but I would’ve looked in the mirror and blamed myself.

ALSO: the same twist happened last season and the outcome was MUCH different. I wouldn’t blame the twist, I would blame the player.

I’m a bit offended by the “automatic alliance” comment to. That’s reallt disrespectful to the vets. We had to work our asses off to even enter the game while you got to sit in refuge immune. Don’t think for a SECOND that anything was handed to us because that’s just not true.

Now can we PLEASE put this to rest? it’s so irrelevant to anything now. This happened like what, 7 votes ago? Get over itttttt and let’s look forward to the end of this game and doing our job of picking a winner
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By Chrissy
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Jim wrote:
Tue Aug 07, 2018 1:12:16 am
Brian wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 12:40:06 pm
Caryn wrote:
Mon Aug 06, 2018 11:01:32 am
Oh yeah Brian, I’m sure you forgot all about me even though we were pretty much with each other since the start and talked every round, where I had to put up with your overtly fake people pleasing bullshit.

I’ve read through the entire Ponderosa and learned pretty much all that I need to know about you and your little post-game antics.

Stop being bitter & get the fuck over it already. You weren’t robbed.
I forgot about you after I was eliminated just because I felt like you just played a bit under the radar in comparison to some of the people who came before you, no shade to you.

That being said, you could also get over yourself? Like I understand you’re a returnee and all, but let’s be real here. You were boring and came in with an automatic alliance. You weren’t winning and don’t come dragging me down because you flopped. Also let’s be real here, you/Dale started the people pleasing with me before ever pandering back, so I’d prefer if you don’t make yourself a hypocrite?

I’m fine if we disagree on my robbed status, which is subjective anyhow and I apologize for arguing that, but I have played over 70 games and that twist was by far the worst I’ve ever experienced. It didn’t fit this cast at all and then the whole Jim thing happened which was disrespectful to me going out how I did. If you still disagree, fine whatever, but it was game ruining and we all know it.
How bout we don't drag me into your elimination every time. Wasn't my fault you didn't give a name at the merge vote, which led to it going to rocks. we all had the opportunity to save ourself. You just got screwed by it. You weren't robbed.
Jim reminds me so much of myself and I’m here for it
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