- Fri Jul 27, 2018 5:27:10 am
I went from getting zero votes to wishing tied members Adam and Ryan good luck due to there impending funeral... to them now being immune due to another accidental tie.
I have a 1 and 8 chance of going home by picking a numbered stone. I couldn't be hating myself more right now.
Brian starts grumbling about how unfair this is and how luck shouldn't be playing a big factor in the game and some of his cult members are kind of echoing that sediment. Luck? No, it wasn't luck by the hosts hands, it became a game of luck because instead of going in for the kill and lobbying to vote someone out publicly everyone cut there balls off and took refuge inside there now empty sack. Don't ask how that works physically bitch, it's a metaphor. Get into it.
I feel like this is the end. I got purple rocked out once and it was the most infuriating situation ever. I never even considered that the vote could or would tie. I was too busy shivering like a little chihuahua to start making diagrams and shit of how people were voting. I WAS TRAUMATIZED OK JEFF! I thought Adam had at best myself and Zeke. Especially after the Hannah blindside. 10-2. To the four people that threw votes at Ryan... you will get my dry cleaning bill. Lord knows I pissed my pants more than once through out this night.
The number I chose that ended my game the last time I drew rocks was the number 2.
So I chose 2 this time again. Why?
A. Because I am a glutton for punishment.
B. I am ready 2 be snuffed. AHA! GET IT. 2 BE SNUFFED. I love me a good pun
C. I figured that the mathematical odds of me being purple rocked by the same number must be astronomical.
Everyone chose numbers except for Chrissy who didn't want to take fate into her own hands because she's, well, a pussy quite frankly. It's like take some accountability in your life and pick a god damn number. Joaquin couldn't count to eight apparently and kept picking numbers that were already chosen, which made me hate Chrissy even more. Put us out of our misery you cow. Joaquin finely chose 3. Hooray for Children's Math Flash Cards!
Probst has to draw this out too, so he announces he is going to reveal the rocks one at a time. All I can think to say at this point is... Hold Me Closer Tiny Dancer.
The world stopped and my heart skipped a beat when I see Probst posts a picture of a yellow colored rock with a number 2 on it. Nothing registers at first. This is my rock being chosen, I'm out, it's the end.
It's 11 O Clock at night and in my quiet house where one roomie lays in bed across the hall and the other watches reruns of Big Brother down stairs... you could hear crickets chirping... until a crazy lunatic homosexual letting out a blood curdling FUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUCK, GOD FUCKING DAMN IT. ARE U FUCKING SERIOUS? MOTHERFUCK. DAMN IT MAN, A FUCKING GAIN, A FUCKING GAIN, YOU'VE GOTTA BE FUCKING KIDDING ME. My voice level drops decibel after decibel as I have this losing diatribe with myself. I was just about to use a cheese grater to grate through my wrists when I notice people are congratulating me. This is where I reveal I'm color blind and make myself look less like an idiot. Alas, I'm not.
I need to be committed after tonight. Tonight was too much. It's time for me to take some happy drugs. Someone please wheel me back into the padded cell.
My chest continues to protrude and subside when Joaquin and Chrissy are revealed to have yellow stones too...
Drew is still in the mix....The irony of losing another final two ally would be too much for me to take in my fragile condition. I pray his name is cleared next, but the human ball sack Jim is instead.
Danni and her chesticles quickly follow suit.
BRIAN, DREW, and LYDIA remain.
I am secretly hoping it's Lydia who is about to be smashed by the Grimace colored rock. I mean, her son was smashed like the pancake dance she always does in a car accident, it might be best that she follows him into the light. Brian staying keeps him a target of Drew. Brian and Drew can continue feuding and I will sit back and watch them scratch each others eyes out like two limp wristed Ke$ha fans fighting over the last Newport.
Drew gets a yellow stone... followed by Lydia... followed by Brian having a delicious diva meltdown.
Brian has selected the Purple Stone. Brian gets somewhere between Diva and Ghetto fabulous. Brian is upset that this game has basically been compromised and that he has been punished for a twist that was essentially luck based and he's going to throw t'huch a hissy fit. Brian is leaving the board till he can come to turns with this horrible slight. Brian, the winner of Stranded Turks and Caicos, taken in his prime. In Brian's delusional world he was running the show. Brian was in the majority alliance. Brian had a cult of loyal followers who were going to willfully get him to the end and surrender the game unto him. Brian Christ.
I can't wait for someone to give him a reality check. I think he needs to know the truth that his goose was already cooked and instead of getting served up when Hannah left, he continued to get burnt to a crisp, just in time for the Purple Rock of Doom to bring him right where he belongs. The Jury House. Brian is the first member of the Jury.
All joking aside at least he gets to be a Jury member... it's the best consolation prize and really the one you can ask for. I'm curious to see if he can set his pride aside and come back to crown a winner. I hope so.